poppy field

Orihuela Costa


The Rockin’ Vicar

Life has been turned upside down - again. Europe is in turmoil - again. Yet humanity shows its love and resilience - again. By the time you read this the situation may have changed, will probably keep changing. We pray for the better …

For me one thing never changes. The love of God, the promise of hope and peace, the salvation of humanity. Manifested on the Cross and glorified on Easter Morn. He is risen! He died and rose again. We either believe it or reject it, that is the gift of choice we have been given.

 On the Cross, even Jesus cried out in His suffering “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!” I cry out “My God, my God, thank you that you have NOT forsaken us, you are right here in the middle WITH us!”

Because he chooses to be, stuck right here in the middle with us. That is divine love.

On this bright sunshiny day, I sit and look out at the beautiful tranquil olive groves and think of the pain and sorrow not too far away. With deep sadness, with a sense of guilt that I enjoy peace whilst my brothers and sisters suffer, worldwide.

With tears, heartache that brings back memories of the peace we fought so hard to bring but is again threatened by one man.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The irony is that God has ALL the power but chooses to use it in love for all mankind. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Great leaders emerge during difficult times. Abraham Lincoln famously said “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all the time”.

We can be fooled into believing there is no God, some of us. I like to think of the tens of millions of tiny lights shining in the darkness, rising into a great beacon of hope. Together we stand …

May you have a happy and blessed Easter, whatever it means for you. If you would like a confidential chat, I’m always available at: ahrea2@yahoo.co.uk or on 634 386 179.

‘Bye for now and God bless you

Rev Andrew

Racing ahead with the RBL

MARCH 2022 - A busy few days at the Orihuela Costa Royal British Legion when, first, Brewmaster Laurence Campbell of Another Planet Brewing visited the branch last Thursday, to talk about the manufacture of Craft Beer, and then on Wednesday The Laughing Leprechaun Sports Bar held a Race Night raising €200 for the local Poppy Appeal.

Laurence began by explaining the value of craft beer, which is made in small batches from recipes that focus on flavour rather than on the lowest cost of production.

He spoke about his arrival in Spain and how his hobby gradually developed from brewing the occasional pint to it becoming a full-time occupation, in which he brewed everything from English Bests to American Ambers.

Having featured on UK TV's ‘A New Life in the Sun’, Laurence talked about the brewing process, from start to the finished product. He went on to explain how Craft beer is generally made with traditional ingredients like malted barley; as well as interesting and sometimes non-traditional ingredients which are often added for distinctiveness, and how as an independent brewer he is able to develop new styles that have no precedent by adding spices, honey and other natural ingredients.

Laurence also hosts regular tours at his brewery in Torre Pacheco which can include a lunchtime meal and tour package for larger groups of private visitors of up to 30 people, for less than 20 euros a head, or without the meal for just 10 euros.

On the following Wednesday The Laughing Leprechaun Sports Bar in Cabo Roig was the venue for a Race Night which was attended by almost 30 people. Unfortunately, torrential rain across the area, earlier in the day, saw a few cancellations but the evening was nevertheless a great deal of fun.

Preceded by a very enjoyable meal, there were eight races in total, including the Chairman’s Handicap, The Poppy Cup and the Cavendish Treasurer’s Steaks, (he was a butcher in a former life), and whilst the wagers were rather light they were extremely brisk, and with some members coming out on top, much to the disappointment of the treasurer, who was hoping to expand the poppy fund by rather more. Nevertheless, with the efforts of proprietor John and his enthusiastic staff the sum of €200 was added to Poppy Appeal for the current year.

Everyone is welcome at RBL functions and events. You do not need to have a military background. 

District awards for Orihuela Costa RBL

At the February meeting of the Orihuela Costa and District RBL members were delighted to welcome the new chairman of Spain District North, Jack Kemp, who was visiting the branch for the first time since taking office.

In his short address he congratulated the Poppy Appeal organiser Eddie Coleman and his team for raising the magnificent sum of 32,000 euro, far more than any other branch in Spain. He spoke of his long-time admiration of the branch, highlighting especially the extensive social activities that were planned for the current year.

The main purpose of his visit, however, was the presentation of two District Chairman’s ‘Certificate’s of Appreciation’ to Secretary Jean Heald and Treasurer Malcolm Cavendish, for their outstanding service over many years to the branch and the Royal British Legion.

He spoke of Jean’s excellent management of branch administration and her efforts to keep people informed and aware during the Covid lockdown, while of Malcolm, he highlighted the fact that because of his dedication, the branch accounts are now probably amongst the best kept in Spain.

Presentations over, the branch was then entertained by the Costa Blanca Morris Dancers. Following an explanation of the origins and folklore of Morris Dancing the group gave an excellent demonstration of their skills, using the traditional bell pads and sticks, after which they invited members of the RBL to provide a rather ‘less than excellent’ demonstration of their own.

The group performs at local charity and public events across the Costa Blanca. They are currently looking for new members and for bookings. More information by email at: costablancamorrisdancers@yahoo.com

The Orihuela Costa Branch of the RBL meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Olympia Restaurant in Mil Palmeras starting at 7.30 pm. You do not need a military background to join or to join in with any of the branch social gatherings


Passing of Ted Marsh

It is with great sadness that we announce the recent death of our long standing member Ted Marsh, who died peacefully at his home in Los Montesinos.  Ted was always a great supporter of the Royal British Legion (RBL) and he will be sadly missed.  He was laid to rest in Torreveija on Saturday 29th May 2021. Our sincere condolences to his dear wife Margaret and family.

Orihuela Costa & District Branch - The RBL Celebrating One Hundred Years

The Jersey Boys were the headline act but it was The Royal British Legion that stole the show, as it celebrated 100 years of support to the military community on Saturday 15th May 2021 at the Emerald Isle in La Florida.

Formed on 15 May 1921 by a most unlikely couple, in former Lance Bombardier Fred Lister and Field Marshal Douglas Haigh, they had watched on as soldiers, many of whom had been invalided out, were sent back to Britain as ‘fit’ in appalling conditions, at the conclusion of WW1, such was the shortage of manpower.

They were also very concerned with the plight of the wives and children of those who had fallen.

Initially there were four organisations working for the interests of returning ex servicemen but, following a Unity Conference in London, Haigh was elected as President and Lister as Chairman of the newly formed RBL.

Since those early days the Legion has established a lasting commitment to fair treatment for service personnel, veterans and their families, and now boasts over 2000 branches across the globe.

The intention this year had always been to commemorate the centenary of the RBL with a number of big events, the foremost of which was to be a concert at the International Auditorium in Torrevieja, featuring major International performers. Unfortunately, however, the Covid pandemic put paid to that late last year, but not wishing the anniversary to go unmarked Stevie Spit then picked up the mantle, going on to engage the support of several of the region’s top acts.

And so they all came together last Saturday, at the Emerald Isle, La Florida, where, in front of over 300 people they each provided their services, absolutely free of charge.

Event organiser Stevie Spit and the fabulous Jersey Boys were joined by Leroy Morales, Melissa Fanning, The Crazy Ladies, Funky Blinders and Belinda Bingo, with a wonderful dance and flag waving display by Footwork Dance bringing an afternoon of wonderful entertainment to a close, and although the purpose of the event was not specifically to raise money, with the arrival of Nanny McPhee, all that soon changed as she set about her exploits as a fundraiser extraordinaire.

By the end of the afternoon her efforts had raised over 1300 euro for the RBL Poppy Appeal, all of which will be used to support veterans and their families here in Spain.

Our thanks of course to the Emerald Isle and their hard working and efficient staff, to all the entertainers who gave of their time for free, to Jean Heald, Eddie Coleman and Janice Poole who manned the RBL stalls, and especially to Stevie Spit and Nanny McPhee who both went above and beyond to make the afternoon such an extraordinary success.