poppy field


Saturday  June 2024

 Armed Forces Day

Armed Forces Day Schedule of Timings
Saturday  June 20224
0945 Top of Abington Street
1000 Parade step off
1010 (approx.) parade halt at Wood Hill to line up for the Signing of the Covenant – ensure there is a 1.5 metre gap in the centre of the line up so that dignitaries can make their exit
1015 (approx.) Parade salute at Guildhall Steps
1025 Parade fall out at Fish Street/Abington Street – Parade members are welcome to head down All Saints Church Portico where entertainment stage and stall holders will be located
0930 Arrive at the Guildhall for refreshments
0958 Step off from the Guildhall to line up at Woodhill dais
1010 Signing of the Covenant and then escorted procession to the Guildhall Steps
1015 Receive salute at Guildhall steps
1100 GH is closed to for wedding at midday
Guests are invited to All Saints Church Portico where entertainment stage and stall holders will be located but must bring their belongings with them.