poppy field

Newton Abbot

Minutes of 2023 AGM

Meeting Minutes

[Newton Abbot Branch]



Meeting information






19.30 – 20.18


Newton Abbot RBL Club

Meeting type

Annual General Meeting


Richard Underhill

Note taker

David Cair























Twenty-eight members in total




Committee Member





Agenda items



  1. Welcome and Act of Remembrance. [Chairman]
  2. Apologies for absence. [Secretary]
  3. Chairman’s welcome. [Chairman]
  4. Adoption of the Minutes of the previous [Secretary/Chairman]

Proposer………………..Seconder…….………… Vote……………………

  1. Matters arising from previous meeting.
  2. President’s address.
  3. Chairman’s report.
  4. Presentation and Adoption of the Branch Plan.
  5. Presentation and Adoption of the Branch Accounts.

Proposer………………..Seconder…….………… Vote……………………

  1. Individual Officers’ reports.
  2. Membership Secretary.
  3. Vice Chairman.
  4. Standard Bearer.
  5. Branch Youth Liaison.
  6. Parade Marshal.
  7. Web Master.
  8. Poppy Appeal Organiser.
  9. Branch Community Support Representative.
  10. Review of Branch Byelaws.
  11. Election of Branch Officers and Committee. (As required)
  12. Nominations to National Office.
  13. Motions and Charter Motions for the Annual Meeting of the County Conference.
  14. Appointment of Delegates to the Annual Meeting of the County Conference and Annual Conference.
  15. Any Other Business (to be submitted at least one week prior to meeting)


  1. Date of next Branch Committee meeting. Next Committee meeting on completion of AGM. Next General meeting Monday 18th December 2023


  1. National Anthem.


  1. Kohima Epitaph.


  1. March off the Standard.


  1. Meeting Closed.




Item 1. Welcome and Act of Remembrance – Chairman





At 19.30 The Chairman, Richard Underhill, asked those present to be upstanding. The Branch Standard was marched in by the Standard Bearer, Mike Stark. 


Item 2. Apologies for absence – Secretary






 Apologies received from –Hillary Howard, Mr. Bob Beer, Mary Drew, Gareth Drew Colin Morre, Eveline Davies


Item 3. Chairman’s Welcome






The Chairman welcomed everyone to the AGM and commented on the good turnout. He thanked the Vice Chairman for producing the AGM packs




Item 4. Adoption of the minutes of the previous AGM.






The Chairman presented the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 21st of November 2022


Proposed by Mike Stark and Seconded by Debbie Toovey that the that the Minutes of the meeting held on 21st of November 2022 are a true record of the meeting.  All in favour.



The Minutes were subsequently SIGNED by the Chairman and Secretary.



Item 5. Matters Arising from previous AGM.






No matters arising.







Item 6. President’s Address




The Branch President gave his report


He wondered if it had really been one year since he first stood here and read out his report to us. Where has the time gone, doesn’t seem that long ago, yet a lot happened has since that time?


With the funeral of our late Queen Elizabeth II and then the coronation of our new monarch King Charles III, to him it still takes a little bit of getting used to after all this time of referring to our Queen rather than having to say our King. He still chuckles sometimes at the slip that some make when saying God save the King etc.


The branch itself has continued to do what the branch does, be there for its members, serving, veterans and their families. It is the role that the Legion does exceptionally well and to those who carry out that task on behalf of us all, thank you. Two little words that sometimes get missed in the hurly-burly of modern life but yet can mean so much to those who strive to look after and ensure our members are not forgotten. They never will be!


The branch has been prominent in many areas this year, as it has done in the past attending many functions, fetes and parades. Our standard, through our standard bearer, Mike Stark, ably assisted on occasions by Vice Chair or the Parade Marshal, has been proudly paraded on several occasions, although sometimes sadly at ceremonies where we’ve had to say farewell to our own. To you all again I thank for representing the Branch so honorably.


Thank you to our secretary who, as always produces minutes and correspondence to enable us all to follow the branches progress, again a job that takes up a considerable amount of time behind-the-scenes.

To our parade marshal and youth liaison I say thank you. They have both again represented the branch to the full and indeed have seen the affiliation of Stover school into the system. It is also worth noting that other affiliations are being cemented ensuring that the many cadets and others in the area become and remain a part of our family.


To the chair, it is difficult to find additional words or indeed new words that can describe how our chair does so much for this branch and for the Legion as a whole. His knowledge, his enthusiasm his downright fortitude amazes me, making sure that everything ticks, that the branch is represented both locally, regionally and nationally and we as members know what the branch is for. The work every year as the poppy appeal officer takes weeks to come to fruition and is ably assisted by many others to enable us to take our boxes out for collecting onto the streets. That alone is a task undertaken by the Chair and the many helpers ensuring the poppy appeal locally is a success.


The chair, I know, does not look for recognition nor indeed thanks, he does what he does for both the Legion the branch and its members without really seeking thanks or recognition but for me as your branch president all I can say is, Richard, it has not gone unnoticed and your contribution is always welcomed and appreciated.

As we move into yet another year, I refer to in my last year’s report and I refer to it again now. It is the youth, in my opinion, that will take the mantle of the Legion forward it has to be so if the Legion is to continue to be there for all. whether serving, veterans or family and I look forward to seeing how the youth takes on this mantle over the coming years. I am certain that all of you who have served the Legion to date and will continue I hope for some time, will be there to offer advice, encouragement and a helping hand to those coming behind us.

The Legion will and must continue to adapt and I am confident that this Branch and the Legion as a whole, will continue to grow and be there for all, as and when required. Life changes, its perspectives changes, our perspective changes but there is one continuum and that is the Royal British Legion.

In conclusion I want to say thank you, to you the Royal British Legion Newton Abbot Branch, who, through your dedication and service, are here for both serving , veterans and the community at large, for the commitment that you make to be part of our community and engage with it and last but not least,  thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your president, an honour  that I will treasure.



Actions: Nil


Item 7. Chairman’s Report






The Chairman, Richard Underhill, gave his report:


The Chair thanked the President for his tenure in the position for the last twelve months.  He thanked the committee, and officers for their support.  He pointed out that the Vice Chair carries out multiple roles both within the branch and at county level.

He went on to thank the outgoing Treasurer, Dave Harcombe, and wished him well in his future ventures.


Looking at what we have achieved over the last year:


a.                Decoration Day was a back to normal and was well attended with fourteen standards.

Thanks go to Rev Bruce Porter for officiating, the Mayor and other dignitaries for attending.


b.        Branch Officers attended the War Memorial and paid their respects and laid wreaths at various commemorations including Holocaust Memorial Day, Falklands liberation, VE and VJ Day, Monte Casino, Op Granby and Op Herrick.  Himself and Standard Bearer attended Armed Forces Day at Babbacombe.


c.        Monthly meetings have continued with members also using Teams if they cannot attend in person.



d.        The gazebo had only been out a few times this year due to some cancellations by event organisers due to adverse weather. We did make it to Abbfest but the second day was a wash out plus 2 Awareness Days in the town. The VC has additionally been out to St Lukes Summer Fayre and will be at St Luke’s Xmas Fayre next Saturday.  We also attended Scoriton Show with permission of Buckfastleigh RBL.. The main reason for attending is to raise the profile of TRBL and fundraise.  I hoped the branch will attend more events next year so will be looking for volunteers to man the gazebo.







e.        Training has been very limited over the past year however it is hoped that it will pick up in the new year as most training can/is done online.


f.         He reiterated that although training is not compulsory he would encourage all committee members to attend both Branch Management, MAP and Safeguarding Training



g.        Looking forward to the next year.  We have Decoration Day on 2nd June which I am sure will be well supported.


h.        We will, of course be taking the gazebo out to our events possibly more and also at least 2 Information days in the town.


  Fund Raising


i.         Now that the Branch have established Trustees, as required in law, the rent monies from the Club        are paid to the Trustees A/c not to Branch.  We will need to fund raise specifically for branch funds.


j.         Finally, he mentioned the Club and asked for members support in using it.


k.        He also thanked the Branch Officers, Committee, and members for their support.





Action: Nil




Item 8. Presentation and adoption of Branch Plan








The Vice Chairman presented the Branch Plan report


He hoped that everyone had had a chance to scrutinize the Branch Plan.  


He stated that The Branch Plan is a LIVE document, which is to say it is fluid, it will evolve and be updated during its life.


A mainly progressive set of results for this year attaining most of our targets.  The modified Branch Plan has taken this into account. 


He had retained the traffic light signaling system which he felt does help highlight at a glance how well, or not, we are doing.


A couple of points he chose like to raise.

2.1           Branch Community Support.  Generally, we are doing well. One area we need to improve is 2.1 We have done well in Safeguarding, all officers and committee have up to date safeguarding literature and all our BCS Supporters are fully trained and up to date.

2.2           Fundraising We are doing well overall, the only objective holding us back is 2.2.3 We need to be recruiting more Poppy Appeal Volunteers

2.3           Remembrance and Ceremonial.

We are overall good at this. 2.3.5 Support to town groups, schools and youth groups throughout the year – We need to be getting together with not only Cadet units but schools, Scouts/Guides, church groups etc. Now we have our BYCL in place we will hope to see more positive results.

2.4           Membership, Recruiting and Events.

2.4.1 Continue to increase branch membership from across the town and wider community.  We are not good at recruiting.  Unfortunately, most leavers do so due to factors outside of the Branch control. We need to raise awareness and attract new members. Everything under youth activities is RED, mainly due to a failure in Branch to review.

2.5           Training. No change in objectives.  Succession Planning and inhouse training have tended to fall by the wayside.  As a minimum I would like to see all officers and committee attend Branch Management Courses, and of course the wider membership too. 

2.6           Administration and Finance. Everything in the Green



He asked everyone to take their copies of the Plan and let him know any amendments or additions to the plan that anyone felt wanted looking at.


He proposed that we adopt this Branch Plan, and it will be sent it to County for their approval.

(Approved by show of hands)




Action: All in favor.  DC to submit to County. 

Youth team (DT/PT) to formulate plans to involve more diverse youth groups.





Item 9. Presentation and Adoption of Branch Accounts





 The Treasurer, Dave Harcombe, presented the accounts:


Copies of the accounts were distributed. And included in the AGM Packs

Accounts have been examined.

Proposed by David Cair Seconded by Debbie Toovey All agreed.



Action: Copy to be posted on noticeboard




Item 10. Individual Officers’ Reports         






a)    Secretary


The Secretary, Nicola Cair gave her report:

No formal report as everything will be covered by other officers.

During the last year she had attended a number of events and functions, National Annual Conference, Devon Quarterly Meetings Torbay Group Meetings, Remembrancetide events and even a couple of awareness events.


She reminded Branched Officers and Committee members to stay behind after the AGM to complete the MS1. & MS1B



b)    Membership Secretary


The Membership Secretary, David Cair, gave his report:

He stated that no dedicated recruitment events were held during the last year, but we did link to awareness events and this help to increase membership numbers.

The membership is up 4% on 2022 and now stands at 304.

Hopefully in 2024 we will be able to hold standalone recruiting events as well as our awareness and fundraising measures to help boost our membership.


He asked that we all play an active part in recruiting. If we all could recruit just one new member each in the next twelve months the Branch would be in a far better position to help our beneficiaries.



c)    Vice Chairman


The Vice Chairman, David Cair, gave his report.

He stated that most of the pertinent points have been raised by the President and Chairman.

Our delegates, and members, attended National Conference in Torquay – The Motion the Branch was seconding was passed in no small part tanks to our Chairman and his stirring speech in support of the motion.



d)    Standard Bearer


The Standard Bearer, Mike Stark, gave his report:

Busier year than previous year. Several Funerals attended, along with AFD and other events.  Very busy with the passing of HM queen Elizabeth II with events attended at various venues in Exeter and Newton Abbot.  Devon Festival of Remembrance He had additionally been to events across the county such as the dedication of North Torrington Standard

He won the Devon County Standard Bearers Competition. So, he is now County Standard Bearer Most recently he was present for the Poppy Train and Service on Armistice Day, then a quick dash to London where he paraded at the Festival of Remembrance in the Royal Albert Hall, then back home for Remembrance Sunday.

He thanked his deputy Standard Bearers Paul Toovey and David Cair for standing in when required and the committee for their support.


e)    Branch Community Youth Liaison  


Debbie Toovey gave the BCYL report:

She said that since picking up the mantle she had been busy.

Our biggest affiliation was with Stover School and a lot of training had been carried out with the school CCF.

Army Cadets – Talks are under way with them.

Police Cadets – we are still working closely with them.

Bovey Tracey Fire Cadets – A lot of work has been put in with a view to them affiliating with the Branch – additionally this could see the Branch gaining up to sixteen youth members.



f)      Parade Marshal


The Parade Marshal, Paul Toovey, gave his report:

He felt that Remembrance Parade this year was much better organised than in some years and turnout was again excellent He praised the Band (full band) and the lone piper.

Again, lessons had been learned to take forward to next year. 

He was looking at potentially fulfilling a role at County level.



g)    Web Master


The Web Master report was delivered by Dave Cair:

The website is up to date and maintained monthly.   


Although the required sections are maintained Material from the Membership is required to keep it current and relevant.


Facebook Group

407 members up, 30% on last year

24.5 thousand views

330 posts

Facebook Page


26,600 viewers reached.


Instagram - our Instagram account is linked to the FB page so a decent viewing average.

Twitter - only an average of one hundred views per month but this is because I do not tweet much.

We also have a Treads account but again he rarely posts.


Not social media but we are still producing an almost monthly Newsletter – Again like the Website input is required from the membership.



h)    Poppy Appeal Organiser


The PAO, Richard Underhill, gave his report:

He reported that we had had difficulties this year with Bovey Tracey

We have done a quite well this year –

However, as of today. At total of £37,571.22 raised with a little more still to collect.


Richard extended his thanks to all who had helped, especially Shirley for all her help with the Poppy Appeal.



i)      Branch Community Support Representative


The BCS report was given by David Cair:


The Branch has been relatively busy on the Branch Community Support scene.  We have a small but dedicated BCS Team with the possibility of recruiting more supporters in the near future.

During the year we have picked up a couple of extra beneficiaries


Telephone Buddy Calls – 167 made to our beneficiaries. 

The Standard attended six funerals.

He logged 83 BCS events - 

On the county front I completed my first full year in the role of County Community Support Coordinator and can say County Wide we are in the top half of active branches.  That said we can, and should, be doing more. 

In the new year BCS training and reporting will be change!

To conclude he appealed for members to step up to the BCS Supporter Role – Telephone Buddies and Home/Hospital Visitors.  It is a chance to give a little back to the community. Not an onerous task.  Training will be given.  If you are interested or want to know more see him afterwards.




Item 11. Review of Branch Byelaws






The report was given by Dave Cair

All being well you have all seen a copy of the Byelaws. The only real changes are date and the addition of the Branch Presidents Terms of Reference


If there are no concerns as to the contents I would like to submit that they be passed on to county for approval.


All agreed to adopt Byelaws

Item 12. Election of Officers and Committee










No positions were being contested, however there was a shuffling of posts.

David Cair – Secretary for 2 years

Nicola Cair – Treasurer for 3 years

Debbie Toovey – BCS Rep for 3 years

Paul Toovey – Parade Marshall – 2 Years

Rick Webb - Committee 2 years

Chris Ratcliffe - Committee 3 years

Darren Cooke – Committee 2 years


All voted for en bloc by a show of hands.


Item 13. Nominations to National Office







Item 14. Motions and Charter Motions for the Annual Meeting of the County Conference






Newton Abbot Branch will be raising a Motion put forward by DC and provisionally to be seconded by Plympton and District Branch.


He went on to state that he writing of this motion came about after talking to Branch officers from a number of other branches, county and countrywide.

It is not as strongly worded as originally laid out, so he thanked those who helped him reword it in a less direct and confrontational manner.


Essentially it is calling for a fairer distribution of tickets for the FoR.

He moved, subject to it being seconded by Plympton, that this motion be put forward to County for consideration at County Conference. Seconded by Richard Underhill and carried by a show of hands.









Newton Abbot Branch


Plympton Branch (provisionally)


This conference requests that the trustees review the way that the tickets for the Festival of Remembrance (FoR) are allocated.


We request that consideration be given to 50% of the tickets being available on line and 50% shared to counties based on the number of members each county has. Rather than the open invite we request that the issuing of tickets reverts to the previous method of allocating tickets to each county based on the number of members. 

Reason for Inclusion

The present system enables every member to apply for tickets on a first come first served basis which is seen as a fairer system; however, this means that a number of members who not have access to the internet or are not confident using a phone are disadvantaged.


It also means that some members who work tirelessly for the legion are missing the opportunity to attend one of our premier events.


As an example, a member logged onto the site eventually got through, chose their seats but by the time they got to the payment page those tickets had been allocated and purchased by someone else as the member was not the best with the internet and took a while to get through the screens.


If the county had a percentage of the tickets, then those people would stand a fairer chance of getting a ticket.


Effect if Passed

The proposed ticket allocation to Counties and onward to their members gives Counties the chance to fairly distribute tickets impartially across their geographic area.  Counties could either issue tickets to Branches on a pro rata basis or Branches could bid for tickets enabling those who are digitally challenged a fairer chance of obtaining tickets.

Main Argument

The FoR ticket sale is currently a free for all process, biasing those who get to the front of the online queue, and as a result discriminates against those who are digitally challenged, and those who work during the week at the time of the sale.

By allocating tickets to a County (e.g., in June) and are then given a deadline (e.g., in August) to either accept or return their allocation, it opens up chance for the Branches to bid for tickets for their members.



Item 15. Appointment of delegates to the annual meeting of the county conference and annual conference.






Richard Underhill & Debbie Toovey appointed as Branch delegate(s) for National Conference

Debbie Toovey & David Cair appointed as Branch delegate(s) for County Conference


Action: NC to register Branch Delegate for National and County conferences


Item 16. Any other Business












Nicola Cair mentioned the need for more fund raising.


David Cair propose that the Branch maintain its on-hand funds for the issuing of Crisis Grants at its current level of £100.  (Agreed by all)






Item 17. Date of next Committee meeting.






Next Committee meeting on completion of AGM.  Next General meeting Monday 19th December 2023



Item 18. National Anthem








The Chairman stated that the business of the meeting being concluded we should remember our duty to our King, Country, and Comrades and to our Branch. Let us be ready at all times to foster the spirt of brotherhood and mutual helpfulness to which we are   dedicated never forgetting our solemn obligations as members of The Royal British Legion.


The first version of the National Anthem was sung.




Item 19. Kohima Epitaph






When you go home tell them of us and say

For your tomorrow we gave our today



Item 20. March off the Standard






The Standard was Marched off by Standard Bearer Mike Stark



Item 21. Meeting Closed






The Chairman closed the Annual General Meeting at 20:25



Signature……………….………….… Signature……………….…………………



Name…Richard Underhill... (Chairman) Name…Nicola Cair……….........(Secretary)



Date……… ………………………………….



