Sunday 16th February 2025 saw the regional standard bearer competition in Cobham. Huge thanks to Steve as our newly installed District Parade Marshal and his band of National Branches District (NBD) ceremonial helpers, all of whom received several positive comments from the competitors and their supporters, we couldn't have done it without them.
The competition was once again won by .....Beth Slade of the National Memorial Arboretum Branch, so NBD will be represented at the National SB competition at National Conference in Harrogate in May, and we wish Beth the best of luck as she strives to retain her charge of the National Standard 🤞

By Jane Cosgrove, Chair National Branches District

Branch Chairman Tony Matthews has been awarded the MBE as part of the King's Birthday Honours 2024.
"He has been Chairman of the RBL NMA Branch since 2015. Under his trusted leadership the Branch has seen Membership double......"
"He has overseen the affiliation of 40 youth groups making association with the Branch more meaningful through presentations and the provision of Standard Bearer training."
"....... has been a committed Volunteer at the National Memorial Arboretum for 16 years, and for the Royal British Legion at their NMA Engagement point, one of its first volunteers, for 8 years........ and is an incredibly passionate ambassador for both charities."
"He has used his own experiences as a veteran to build bridges with others and spark conversations that have driven action in their lives."
By Darren Cockcroft

Beth Slade has been carrying a Legion Standard since 2000.
As testament to her dedication Beth has won the National Standard Bearer Competition at the 2024 Membership Conference and is now The Royal British Legion National Standard Bearer!
By Darren Cockcroft

NMA Branch member and Staffordshire County Chairman, Neil James, has recently been awarded the RBL Gold Badge, this is a National Award signed off by the National Chairman.
The Award was presented at Staffordshire County Conference by National President Sir Clive Johnstone.
Photo is of Sir Clive ( left ) and Neil ( right ).
By Neil James