poppy field

National Memorial Arboretum

Chairman Annual Report - 2024


Over the last year we have held 4 meetings, this number including our AGM. At that meeting we presented the Andrew Hodson Award to Bob Williams for his work as Branch Youth officer.  All our Branch meetings are open to all members in person and on Teams.


We have worked very closely with the NMA over the last year and supported them on numerus occasions e.g. Kosovo 35, Afghan 10, Ride to the Wall and of course D-Day 80, to name but a few. We also continue to offer help to other TRBL Branches who wish to visit the NMA and offer a bespoke wreath laying service to all.

The members of the Branch who have helped on the RBL Outreach Point at the NMA have recorded 6,885 conversations with visitors and engaged with many, many more.


Congratulations must go to Beth Slade who has now become the National Standard Bearer.

The Branch has had its Standard on parade at events at the NMA and on several other occasions including the Festival of Remembrance.  Standard Bearer Katie Lockton had to rush back to the NMA after that event so that the Standard could be at the service on the steps of the Armed Forces Memorial on Remembrance Sunday and again on the Monday for the Armistice Day service in the presence of the Duchess of Edinburgh.  Well done Katie and a big thank you for your excellent performance.

We ended the year with the sad news that Mim Morris, who had been our BCS Officer until recently, passed away on Boxing Day 2024.

Branch Community Support:

This has become a bone of contention for the Branch, with all the changes that have been happening. The new role of Branch Community Coordinator does not fit exactly with the way the Branch works as the NMA itself takes the lead on events. We have now found a willing volunteer to become our Branch Community Coordinator!!!  He is completing the suggested courses, and we wait with bated breath for our ID cards. Some of us have remained in contact with our beneficiaries throughout the change.


Our efforts in this area continue, with last year's Poppy Appeal finishing at £11,321.20p.  We hope to increase that figure over this next year.


As of 28th December 2024, Branch membership stood at 871 (!!!!) which is a massive increase over the previous year.  However, our faith in the ability of contractor Charles Novacroft to keep accurate files is at a very low level with several members even being told they have not paid their membership fees when in fact they have.

Branch Chairman Tony Matthews was awarded an MBE in the King’s Birthday Honours list for his work as Branch Chairman, NMA Volunteer and work done under the Branch Community Support banner.

Tony Matthews MBE (Branch Chair) and Margaret Bullock (Branch Secretary) have announced their intention to stand down at the next Branch AGM in October 2025, each with over 12 years in their respective roles.