poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Murcia

Murcia Branch contributes to the Poppy appeal annually. We raise funds through generous donations from visitors and residents in the area through various fundraising events and public contribution points during the year. All money raised in Spain remains in Spain and is used for the welfare and support of our Beneficiaries the Veterans, Current serving members of the armed forces, Ex members of the armed forces and all of their families living and residing in Spain.  

Poppy Appeal last year (2021) saw us raise a fantastic €9456.67 within a total of €119,835.02 across Spain.

This year (2022) our total raised has increased to


the Spain North Total is still in calculation.

Thank You to all the people of Murcia and our visitors who have been so generous again, our fund raisers and those that ran the table tops and delivered tins to our local bars and businesses. This is a truly remarkable sum,

we thank you all 

Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal should contact Lesley Anderson c/o murcia.secretary@rbl.community