poppy field


News events in Murcia

Urgent Branch Information


Murcia Branch Urgent Notice                                                                           12th April 2023

The Murcia branch advised its members in January 2023, that due to changes in the personal circumstances of various members of the existing branch committee, volunteers were being sought to undertake the branch officer roles and general committee member vacancies.

As such the committee met on Monday 10th of April to review our position. Unfortunately no volunteers have come forward to fulfil any of the roles. The committee agreed to try a final time to seek volunteers to fill the roles and have requested anyone wishing to undertake one of the positions for them to make themselves known by 5pm on Friday 19th of May 2023. The District Chairman has been fully informed at all stages of the circumstances surrounding the position of the branch.

If we are unsuccessful we will initially request the branch becomes District supported, (With all funds and responsibilities transferred to District and administered by them with little or no Murcia specific activity). However it would still require two volunteers to become first and second point of contact between District and the membership.  

The committee would urge members to consider putting themselves forward for the vacancies listed below, they are both rewarding and enjoyable and you can be safe in the knowledge that there is an abundance of formal training at District level and coaching and support from both other branches and previous committee members within the branch.   

Chairperson – Key role to implement National and District objectives into the Branches activities. Ensure the compliance of the branch in line with its Royal Charter and the Management Handbook of the RBL. Co-ordinate activity within the branch committee ensuring it generates fundraising opportunities for the beneficiaries of the charity. Provide Leadership and Represent the Branch at Ceremonial events. 

Branch Secretary – Key role to support the activities of the branch. Set meeting dates and maintain records and minutes of meetings. Monitor branch email and channel information to the relevant person. Provide the communications for members of the branch regarding branch activities and the wider Legion. 

Treasurer – Key role to maintain the financial records for the branch. Make payments as required and conduct the banking activities for the branch. Produce reports on the finances and expenditure of the branch for the committee, District, Headquarters and the membership as required.

General committee members for

Social Secretary – Key role to work with the committee to identify events, locations and opportunities for both fundraising and social gatherings.

Branch Membership Secretary – Key role to maintain the membership and increase the growth of the branch.

N.B. formal training is available and that the formal role / job descriptions are more comprehensive and available if you would like more detail.


Should you wish to volunteer or seek further information, please email murcia.secretary@rbl.community in the first instance