poppy field



The next Branch Meeting will be held on Saturday 9. March 2024 in building A28 with the kind permission of the Reservisten, Lützow Kaserne, Lützow Str. 1a, 48157 Münster (Handorf)

at 1100hrs

As this is a Military Camp and if you have not already done so in the past, please provide your full name and car details. You will also need a personal ID (no other form filling on entry if your name is on the list)

Send details for entry to Roy Johnson. munster.chairman@rbl.community by Wednesday 6th February 2024

Any items for the Agenda to the Branch Secretary  Munster.Secretary@rbl.community by latest Wednesday 6th March 2024

The following dates are proposed  for Branch Meetings for the year and subject to change

April 27th 

June 15th 

July 27th 

September 14th 

October 26th AGM + 40th Anniversary of the Branch. 

December 7th  

   Please support your Branch.  


 Names and email addresses published with the kind permission of the members mentioned to comply with GDPR(Date protection) rules