poppy field


Member's Meeting November 2012

The last Members Meeting was held in the York Hotel on Saturday 17th November 2012 at 2-00pm. All Branch and Women's Section Members and prospective Members were invited to come along and see what is happening in the Branch and to put forward any ideas/comments on all Legion matters.
The attendance was rather disappointing, but once again some constructive discussions took place and a number of issues raised will be discussed further at the next Branch Committee Meeting.

Member's Meeting August 2012 

A Barbecue was held after the Member's Meeting in August and was a great success not least due to the small break in the weather that allowed the York Hotel Jubilee Barbecue to be utilised for the very first time.

August 2012 Members Meeting Barbecue 1

Branch Secretary Malcolm Brown and Branch Vice-Chairman Maree Brown together with other Branch Members enjoying the Barbecue (and the sunshine) in the York Hotel Jubilee Garden after the August Member's Meeting.

August 2012 Members Meeting Barbecue 2

Branch Members Paul De Rome (Left) and Taffy Edwards assisted by Branch President Mike Dennison (Centre) inaugurate the York Hotel Jubilee Barbecue.