The Royal British Legion was formed on 15 May 1921 for bringing together four National organisations of ex-service men that had established themselves after the Great War of 1914 - 1918
The main purpose of the legion was straightforward; to care for those who had suffered as a result of service in the armed forces in the great war, whether that was through thier own service or that of a husband, son or father. Suffering took many forms, the ability for someone with a war wound to provide for his family, the struggle a war widow had trying to bring up her family alone and give them an education.
The Melbourne Branch was first established in 1922 by three local market gardeners who donated land where The Royal British Legion club (CL0013) now stands. The club was revamped in 1997 with further improvements made later to the private members bar and the Royal Suite.
The aim of the Royal British Legion remains the same, to provide, offer support & financial assistance and to raise funds for serving and ex service men and women, no longer a mans domain, the Womens section also hold regular fundraising events throughout the year, as do the clubs, members, committees and branch offices. Please support the Royal British Legion by becoming a member today, buy a poppy, spread the word.