poppy field


Below is a list of dates for your diary on what's happening in the Mears Ashby & Sywell Branch of The Royal British Legion.

The next Branch Meeting will be held on Monday 8 Oct 18 at 7.30pm at the The Aviator Hotel, Wellingborough Road, Sywell.

A First World War Commemoration Service for Private C F Brawn of the West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales Own) will be held on the 100th Anniversary of his death on 12 October 2018 at 11pm in All Saints Church, Earls Barton.

The Branch will be holding its AGM on Monday 22 Oct 2018 at 12.30 for 1pm at the Ovestone Manor, Sywell.  The meeting will be preceded by a buffet lunch.

For further information on the following visits please contact Alan Jones on 01933-223226

Friday 7 Dec 18 Birmingham Christmas Fair