poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Mayfield, Five Ashes and Hadlow Down

Poppy Appeal 2023

The sum collected by the Mayfield, Five Ashes and Hadlow Down Branch for 2023 is £4,524 which is given directly to the Poppy Appeal.  This is a truly excellent result, and almost matches our 2022 total.  A result unachievable without our fantastic team of door-to-door collectors and everyone else whose efforts contributed in many other ways.

Poppy Appeal 2022

The sum collected by the Mayfield, Five Ashes and Hadlow Down Branch for 2022 is £4,536 which is given directly to the Poppy Appeal.  This is a truly excellent result, and exceeds our best ever result from 2021.  In addition to the monies collected above, the Branch itself donated a further £500, making a grand total for our donation to the Poppy Appeal of £5,036.  Thank you to everyone who was involved in the appeal this year, and thank you to everyone who donated so generously.

Poppy Appeal 2021

The sum collected by the Mayfield, Five Ashes and Hadlow Down Branch for 2021 is £3,959, which is given directly to the Poppy Appeal.  This is an excellent result, our best ever, particularly given the difficult circumstances given the ongoing Covid-19 situation.  In addition to the monies collected above, the Branch itself donated a further £1,250, making a grand total for our donation to the Poppy Appeal of £5,205.  Thank you to everyone who was involved in the appeal this year, and thank you to everyone who donated so generously, particularly given the lack of door to door collections.

Poppy Appeal 2020

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak there is no local poppy appeal collection taking place this year.  Donations can be made directly through the main RBL website, poppies can be purchased through the RBL poppy shop, or poppies can be still be found at participating large supermarkets.

Poppy Appeal 2019

The sum collected by the Mayfield, Five Ashes and Hadlow Down Branch for 2019 is £3,329, which is given directly to the Poppy Appeal.  This is an excellent result and thank you all for your most generous support. The Branch figure comprises house to house and static point collections plus specific donations, such as from the Mayfield Festival Choir.  

Thank you to Gavin Ross, our Poppy Appeal Organiser, for his sterling work in organising the house-to-house rounds and the appeal boxes in the shops, schools, etc. and also Mark Thomson and the Mayfield Scouts for their excellent work at the street collection on Armistice day.                           

It was most gratifying to see such a high attendance at the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday, and at the ecumenical service that followed immediately in St. Dunstan’s Church.  The attendances on this day seem to have increased year-on-year since the commencement of the centenary period for World War I.  

We would like to say well done to everybody who was involved, and a big Thank You to all the people of Mayfield, Five Ashes and Hadlow Down who have been so generous yet again. 

Poppy People

Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal should contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator, Gavin Ross.