poppy field

Long Eaton

In Memory of those Men of Long Eaton Who made The Supreme Sacrifice During World War Two 

From the Memorial Plaque in the Long Eaton Town Hall which was compliled by Members of the Branch

             "They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old

                 age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn

                  at the going down of the sun, and in the morning

                                     We Will Remember Them"

Newbound JW 2nd Lt Royal Welch Fusiliers 1944
Newham G Pte North Staffordshire Regiment 1944
Newton W Pte Pioneer Corps 1944
Norfolk S Sgt Queen's Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards) 1942
Oldham D Spr Royal Engineers 1943
Oldham WH Pte Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 1944
Osborn C Stoker Royal Navy 1940
Parr G Pte Army 1944
Patrick SA Pte Hampshire Regiment 1944
Patrick GH Pte Army 1945
Payne DM Gnr Royal Artillery 1944
Pead R Sgt Royal Air Force 1944
Pearson GH W O Royal Air Force 1945
Pelgrave G Pte Army 1944
Perkins AE Pte Army 1945
Powell T L/Stoker Royal Navy n/a
Pratt GC Sgt Royal Air Force 1942
Pratt FR Midshipman Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve 1944
Pryde P Sgt Royal Air Force 1940
Rawding H Pte Army 1943
Reader W Pte Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers 1945
Rice GR Cpl Leicestershire Regiment 1945
Richards JK WO1 West Yorkshire Regiment 1945
Richardson E Pte Army 1944
Rimington F Fusilier Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 1943
Roadley VP Sgt Northamptonshire Regiment 1943
Roe DA Gnr Royal Artillery 1945
Roe E not available not available n/a
Roe WS Pte Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 1943
Rolfe PN F/Officer Royal Air Force 1943
Roose GW A/S LTO Royal Navy 1944
Roulstone W Pte Army 1944
Sanders S Pte Army 1944
Scattergood WF O/Seaman Royal Navy 1943
Scott WS ACM CL1 Royal Air Force 1942
Scott EG Sgt Royal Air Force 1944
Selby R Pte Army 1945
Sharp EW Pte Sherwood Foresters 1942
Sharp L Tpr Royal Armoured Corps 1944
Shaw S F/Sgt Royal Air Force 1943
Shaw T L/Cpl Royal Engineers 1942
Shepson WJ Cpl Royal Armoured Corps 1945
Shepstone WJ Cpl Royal Armoured Corps 1945
Shipman K Pte Royal Norfolk Regiment 1943
Sills D Sgt Royal Air Force 1941
Simons JA Gnr Royal Artillery 1944
Simpson JA Gdsm Grenadier Guards 1943
Simpson PF not available Royal Navy 1940
Skinner F Pte Army 1944
Slater GH Pte Army 1943
Smedley JF L/Cpl King's Shropshire Light Infantry 1944
Smith T not available not available 1940
Smith WJ Sgt Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 1944
Start EJ Sgt Royal Air Force 1942
Steele RN O/Seaman Royal Navy 1941
Steels H Sgt Royal Air Force 1944
Stevenson n/a Pte 24th Lancers 194?
Stevenson GB L/Cpl Derbyshire Yeomanry 1943
Stevenson JT Tpr Royal Armoured Corps 1944
Stevenson JF Tpr Royal Armoured Corps 1944
Summers GE Pte Durham Light Infantry 1944
Summers F Pte Army n/a
Swinn D O/Seaman Royal Navy 1940
Tacey L Pte Army 1940
Taft AJ Pte Sherwood Foresters 1945
Taylor AG L/Cpl Army 1941
Taylor RCT Pte Royal Army Service Corps 1942
Taylor CE Pte Sherwood Foresters 1944
Tilling KW Sig Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve 1943
Townsend W Pte Royal Army Service Corps 1942
Truman D Pte Sherwood Foresters 1943
Tysoe S Sgt Royal Air Force 1942
Varley R Gdsm Grenadier Guards 1944
Varnham FL Pte Army 1944
Wagg RE Tpr Royal Armoured Corps 1943
Wakefield E Pte Army 1944
Walker RE Sgt Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 1941
Walker A Gnr Royal Artillery 1944
Walker A Sgt Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 1945
Wall L Pte Canadian Army 1942
Wallis DSM FC CPO Royal Navy 1943
Waton WM Sub/Lt Royal Navy 1941
Watson JA Sgt Royal Air Force 1943
Watts GE Pte Army 1943
Webster F Pte Army 1943
Welbury R Tpr Derbyshire Yeomanry 1943
Westmorland MEJ Pte Army 1941
Wicks GW Sgt Royal Air Force 1942
Wilkinson F Sgt Royal Air Force 1943
Willets LP Sgt Royal Air Force 1944
Williams GH P/Officer Royal Air Force 1942
Wilson W Sgt Sherwood Foresters 1944
Wood CD Pte Army 1941
Worthington FH Sgt Royal Air Force 1944


                                                "When you go home

                                              Tell them of us, and say

                                                  For your tomorrow

                                                  We gave our today"