poppy field

Long Eaton

Branch History

A Brief History of the Branch 

The following is just some of the milestones in the history of the Branch and is really a work in progress. The present Branch Treasurer and Archivist is trying to research and write a more detailed history. 


A well attended meeting of Long Eaton ex-servicemen was held at the   Co-op choir room on Sunday 24 July 1921 with the object of discussing the terms of the constitution of the British Legion and considering the advisability of forming a local branch. Mr. A. Beardsley presided over the meeting.The Federation Secretary (Mr.A.Redgate) NFD.DS&S one of the organisations which helped to form the British Legion, referred to the circumstances leading to the amalgamation of ex-service organisations in the new body to be called the "British Legion". 

The following resolution was prepared by Brother Brown and carried unanimously:  

"That this meeting of ex-servicemen accepts the constitution of the British Legion and formally establish a branch to be known as the Long Eaton Branch." 

The First Annual Subscription is set   

The question of the annual subscription was discussed and fixed at 4 shillings (20p) for the Club and the same amount for the subscription to the Branch. The present annual Membership Fee is £18.00   

The Branch Standard

Our first Branch Standard was dedicated in St. Laurence Parish Church November 1934 by the Bishop of Derby. On 27 July 2008 after 74 years this Standard was laid-up and a new Standard dedicated in a service conducted by Father Simon Ellis, Vicar of St. Laurence Parish Church. Father Simon is also our Padre and an Honorary Member of the Branch. The old Standard now laid up in St. Laurence Parish Church Long Eaton.   

Branch Standard   

Branch Headquarters

Bridge Street Club was chosen as the first Branch Headquarters. By 1941 the Branch Headquarters had moved to Haig House Club (now known as "The Sportsman" public house), after many name changes. The club was a private club and was never a British Legion Club, although many people believed it was. It was bought by a consortium of members of the British Legion, Ron Joynes, Joe Drew, Jim Popritt etc. Then Ron Flowers bought it as the Granville Club. We moved to the Regal Club now named the Curzon Club and were made very welcome and comfortable and have been meeting there ever since. The first meeting in the new Headquarters was on 20 September 1959, fifty years ago.     

The Curzon Club   

Curzon Club                                                           

The Women's Section Long Eaton Branch

The Women's Section Long Eaton Branch was formed in March 1939, at the inaugural meeting fifty Members were enrolled and officials and committee elected. Unfortunately due to the lack of Members it had to close down in 2005. With the loss of the Women's Section as sad as that was the good thing is that the number of women Members has increased in the main Branch. About a third of the Branch Membership are women, including our President, Secretary and Standard Bearer.   

The Branch Just Misses Closure

In 1961 the Branch nearly folded due to the lack of Members. However it was saved after an appeal for members was made. Since 2000 when we had 62 members - we have lost Members due to death or not renewing their membership over the years - we have seen our membership grow year on year, at present we have 106 Members, Men and Women aged over 20 to 95 years of age. 

The Queen Grants the "Royal" Prefix  

In 1971 the British Legion was granted the "Royal" prefix by Her Majesty the Queen in honour of the 50th anniversary of the formation of the British Legion, an exhibition was held in Long Eaton Library of Legion artefacts. A dinner and dance was held in Therm House to celebrate the occasion. Reporters from the Long Eaton Advertiser were there plus photographers; unfortunately no publicity was given as the Long Eaton Advertiser had a disastrous fire which destroyed all records of the event a few days later. 

Other Events

We celebrated the RBL's and our 80 Anniversary in 2001, on 24 July 2011 (our formation day) we celebrated our 90th Anniversary. On 24 July 2021 the Branch will be celebrating 100 years of continuous service to the Armed Forces Community in Long Eaton and District.