poppy field

Long Eaton

Branch Community Support

The Branch Community Support (BCS) scheme is run by Royal British Legion (RBL) Branches. It aims to deliver a range of activities to support the Armed Forces Community.

The programme was created to assist Branches who were already doing this valuable work, building on the foundations they have already created within their local communities.

Long Eaton Branch currently has four local BCS supporters, with hope for more to complete the training.

The Local BCS supporters can provide telephone support or provide home or hospital visits if need be. They may with your agreement refer you to the RBL contact centre on 0808 802 8080 which is open 7 days a week


The Long Eaton BCS Rep's Email address - LongEaton.BCS@rbl.community 


RBL - Branch Community Support (BCS) (britishlegion.org.uk) , who can provide other support and links to lots of other services working with the RBL, or you can contact the veterans gateway outside of these hours 08‍08 80‍2 12‍12.  Both websites have phone numbers, live chat and email facilities to contact them also.  
There's lots of support available to you, we can help you access it and provide you with support locally


           The Long Eaton BCS Team



Veterans wanted for Research Project

This is not a Legion Project but we were asked to help to advertise it.

If you are interested in taking part please contact the University of Nottingham not the Legion.