poppy field


2023 Liskeard Remembrance Day

Yes, it rained! But so what? Those Tommies in the trenches suffered far worse.
The Town Council organised a very good show. There was a good turn out of onlookers and attendees for the parade. The Chair of Cornwall Council attended and laid a wreath along with a wide representation from the town.
The Liskeard Silver Band led the March in military style under the guidance of Parade Marshal, Stephen McGuire
The RBL Chaplain Kevin Grant led a dignified service at the cenotaph and in St Martins Church, very ably assisted by incoming chaplain, Captain Theresa from Salvation Army.
The RBL Club was happily packed and funds for the Poppy Appeal continued and there were presentations of cheques, a Raffle and Auction, with refreshments provided by Tapenades.
The youth organisations were presented with individual medals and trophies in the Public Hall this year to support, encourage and remind them they are our future.
We would like to thank:-
the Town Council
Cllr Simon Cassidy - Mayor of Liskeard
The Silver Band
All the youth organisations of the town
St Martins Church leadership team for the lovely traditional service
The RBL Club staff
All local businesses listed below who have supported us so generously for our Raffle and Auction.
I apologise if I have missed anyone. We thank you all for coming together to make this national day of importance in our neck of the woods. Liskeard gave as much as anywhere else for our freedom. It still does.
Lest we forget.
photos courtesy of Jonathan Harris