poppy field

Kings Lynn



List of activities for this year King’s Lynn

Gaywood Church Hall Branch Easter Bingo 8th April 2022 – 6 pm

Training day Springwood High School 19th March 2022- 9.15am

40th Anniversary of Falklands  Tower Gardens Sat 2nd April 2022 1030

Queens Jubilee weeknd  2nd June - - 6th June 2022

Evening event 2nd June details to follow

Parade form up Saturday Market march to Tues Market via Quay 3 June 2022 Standard bearers requested

 Days events   (Stall required)  4th June 2022

Picnic in the walks  5th June 2022

Church service St Margaret’s (Minster) 6 June 2022 6.30 pm

End of Falklands War Tower Gardens 1100 Wreath Laying

Armed Forces Day Tower Gardens – 20 June 2022 10:30am

 Battle of Britain Tower Gardens10th September 2022

Dinner Dance Town Hall proceeds to Poppy Appeal and Scotties Little Soldiers 19th September

RAFA Dinner 23  September


















 This is the centenary year of King's Lynn and District Branch and we are holding a number of events:



List of activities for this year King’s Lynn

Gaywood Church Rooms Branch Easter Bingo 8th April 2022 – 6 pm for eyes down at 7pm

Training day Springwood High School 19th March 2022- 9.15am

40th Anniversary of start of Falkland's War service  Tower Gardens Sat 2nd April 2022 1030

Queens Jubilee weeknd  2nd June - - 6th June 2022

Evening event 2nd June details to follow

Parade form up Saturday Market march to Tues Market via Quay 3 June 2022 Standard bearers requested

 Days events   (Stall required)  4th June 2022

Picknick in the walks  5th June 2022

Church service St Margaret’s (Minster) 6 June 2022 6.30 pm

End of Falklands War Tower Gardens 1100 Wreath Laying

Armed Forces Day Tower Gardens – 20 June 2022 10:30am

 Battle of Britain Tower Gardens10th September 2022

Dinner Dance Town Hall proceeds to Poppy Appeal and Scotties Little Soldiers 19th September

RAFA Dinner 23  September