poppy field


Dawn's evening 16 November 2019

A truly wonderful evening. Everything went according to plan...and much of the planning was orchestrated by Dawn Gooderham.

We expected about fifty, we were surprised when the tickets sold to sixty, which eventually reached eighty, then eighty five. in the end we finished with over ninety five present. The event was an RBL supper and local entertainment held at the Mandeville Hall in Kimbolton. The buffet supper was superb and the entertainment for the evening was provided by ditties, poems, music and sing alongs from Roger Watson, Dawn herself and John Rawlinson.

Further entertainment was then provided by Philip Howson, our new vicar and a raucous sing-along to some of the golden oldies of the first and second world wars.

The ubiquitoes quiz was run by John Hill. Several Hundred pound was raised in support of the Royal British legion. Well done Dawn.

Photos show some of the guests for the evening....just before they had too much to drink.


Jill and Maralyn          


     Philip at the guitar

and would you believe it..not a single picture of Dawn so for good measure, we will find one and put it in !