poppy field


Please find below details of events and initiatives that took place in Kelvedon and Feering, to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1. Thank you to all the groups and organisations that got involved. 

It was good to see so many joining in the commemoration events being held to remember and honour those lost during WW1. 

We are currently producing a commemorative booklet which includes details of the various events and initiatives that took place in Kelvedon and Feering. Further details will be shared once the booklet is available. 

Events and Initiatives 

  • "Big Knit" Poppy Challenge - presently ongoing for the Cascade of Poppies in November 
  • Great War display (since 2014) - Feering and Kelvedon Local History Museum 
  • Poppy Banner Launch/Workshop (13 June 2018) - St Mary's Parish Church 
  • "The Lost Men of Kelvedon and Feering" Book launch and presentation (10 Ocotber 2018, 8.00pm) - Small Hall, Kelvedon Institute
  • Dedication of WW1 Commemorative Bench in Kelvedon (date TBC) - Kelvedon Parish Council
  • Helmet Making (September/October 2018) - St Mary's Academy, Kelvedon with St Mary's Outreach Group 
  • Interactive presentations at Kelvedon and Feering Schools woth RBL Standard Bearer and RBL Youth Officer for Essex (dates TBC) - organised by RBL Kelvedon 
  • "Testament of Youth" Film (12 October 2018, 7.30pm) - Feering Cinema Club, Feering Community Association
  • "Oh What A Lovely War" Show (19,20, 26 & 27 October 2018) - Kelvedon Players in Association with KCA. The 20 October show includes Afternoon Tea. 
  • Cascade of Poppies (November 2018) - St Mary's Church, Kelvedon 
  • Feering Primary School Remembrance Service (9 November 2018, 10.45am) - Feering Primary School, Feering
  • Compline Service (10 November 2018, 8.00pm) - St Mary's Church, Kelvedon 
  • Procession from United Reformed Church Kelvedon to War Memorial at St Mary's Church Kelvedon via St Mary the Immaculate (11 November 2018, 10.00am start) - co-ordinated by the churches and RBL Kelvedon 
  • Act of Remembrance (11 November 2018) - War Memorial, St Mary's Church, Kelvedon  
  • Ecumenical Service of Remembrance (11 November 2018)- St Mary's Church, Kelvedon. Co-ordinated by the churches and RBL Kelvedon  
  • St Mary's Academy Kelvedon Remembrance Service (12 November 2018) - War Memorial, St Mary's Church, Kelvedon  


Silhouette Academy1

"Soldier silhouette outside Kelvedon St Mary's Primary Academy - where they are making helmets, one for every man on the Kelvedon War Memorial, to be left in St Mary's Church, as if the owner was once there."

End Of Ww1 Events Pic For Website V1