poppy field

Javea, Spain.

Some Facts About The Poppy:

The poppy is a symbol of Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future.

Wearing a poppy is a show of support for the service and sacrifice of our Armed Forces, veterans and their families.

It represents all those who lost their lives on active service in all conflicts; from the beginning of the First World War right up to present day.

It also honours the contribution of civilian services and the uniformed services which contribute to national peace and security and acknowledges innocent civilians who have lost their lives in conflict, and acts of terrorism.

The poppy is red because that’s the natural colour of the poppy flower

During the First World War previously beautiful countryside was blasted, bombed and fought over, again and again. The landscape swiftly turned to fields of mud: bleak and barren where little or nothing could grow.

But out of this devastation the delicate but resilient bright red Flanders poppies grew and flourished in their thousands.

More facts can be seen here.


Javea Branch Poppy Appeal 2022

Javea Branch Poppy Appeal 2022 Sets New Record, Again!

The amount raised in 2022 was a very impressive 12,232.96 Euros, up again from the 2021 total, shown below.

A big thank you to all fundraisers was given by the Chaiman, Mike Huggins, re iterated by Tony Edmunds, the Poppy Appeal co ordinator for the branch.

Prior to, and during the Remembrance period members of the branch, and local community held events to raise money for the appeal. The bravest of them all was our current, soon to stand down Secretary, Louise Hunt. Louise had all her hair 'restyled' from its lengthy locks, to a much shorter version, with her removed hair being donated to Cancer charity for a wig. Donations were given to Louise for sponsorship, in return to be donated to this years Appeal.

More pictures of some of the events can be found here.


The Javea Branch held it's Poppy Appeal 2022 luncheon at Restaurant Barnaby's,  Javea on Tuesday 8th November 2022.

After the branch AGM a luncheon was attended at Barnaby's restaurant, Javea. It was well organised by Bobby and Tony Edmonds; well done, and thank you.

During the meal a raffle was carried out with proceeds going to the branch Poppy Appeal fund.

Barnaby's kitchen pulled out all the stops and presented a very nice meal for everyon, dependant on their individual choice.

Photos of the event can be seen here.

Javea Branch Poppy Appeal 2021 Sets New Record!

After a difficult year in 2020 which saw our Poppy Appeal collection fall considerably due to the impact of COVID, we're delighted to announce that thanks to some marvellous activities by our members and donations from our many supporters, we have set a new record of €10,183.74.

This would simply not have been possible without the support of the many organisations, schools and businesses that hosted our collection boxes and, of course, all of you who donated so generously.  Undoubtedly partly due to COVID too, we've seen the need for our physical and financial support rocket too and the money raised here in Spain is used locally to support our many beneficiaries, so thank you all so much - your donations are making a real difference to people's lives in our local communities. 

If you'd like to know more about becoming a member or, better still, helping us to deliver the much-needed support we offer, please get in touch through our contact details on this website or our Facebook Page.

Thank you!

Poppy Appeal 2020

The British Community in Javea has always staunchly supported The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, both by donating directly to the appeal itself and by attending the annual Service of Remembrance on Remembrance Sunday.  Your generous contribution has allowed the work of the Legion to take place here in Spain, supporting a wide range of ex-Service veterans and their families in time of need.  The difficult situation we have all faced this year has been challenging for us all and we are now supporting more veterans than ever before, both young and old, helping them to live their lives in times of hardship as well as physical and mental conditions.

So your contributions this year are every bit as vital to our work as ever.  Every single cent you donate to the Poppy Appeal goes directly to helping them through our network of amazing and dedicated volunteers, so I can assure you that whatever you can afford to give us will be put to good use in the local community here in Spain.  So how can you donate – as well as Poppy Boxes in many local businesses, where you can donate and “wear their poppy with pride!”, we have established a Go Fund Me site (site closed - link removed!).

Many of you will have attended the annual service mentioned earlier.  For obvious reasons we’re unable to hold a service on such a scale this year but are still working on how we will mark it this year.  Keep an eye on these pages for more details as our plans develop or join our Facebook page.  If you want to know more about The Royal British Legion’s work here in Spain and about Remembrance itself you can also visit the page for District North Spain.  If you have any questions or experience any difficulty getting your poppy, don’t hesitate to contact Nick Keen at javea.web@rbl.community

Poppy Appeal 2019 - Thank You!

This year, Javea Branch of the Royal British Legion has had another very successful Poppy Appeal and has raised a huge total of €7,588. When added to the total collected across Spain, this will allow the Legion to provide much needed support for the many expat Veterans and their families who find themselves in need here.

We would like to thank all the businesses, organisations, groups and individuals across our whole area who contributed to this amazing sum. Your efforts are much appreciated and the money you helped us raise will make a real difference to people in genuine need - thank you all on their behalf!

Poppy People - Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal should contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator on 627699311 or javea.rbl.poppyappeal@gmail.com.


2019 Poppy Appeal Launch

The Poppy Appeal for 2019 was launched at a Ceremony in Benidorm on 18 October 2019, starting at 12.00 noon.  To see more coverage of the event, see the District North Spain website.