poppy field

Javea, Spain.

Past Events - 2024



Pam's People Dance, 7th Nov.

 Jalon - Details TBC


Hog Roast, 9th Nov.

Palmera Bar Orba - Details TBC.

Rememberance Church Sevice, 10th Nov.

Javea - Fishermans Church, 3pm followed by drinks at the Maverick Bar.

Branch AGM, 19th Nov

Javea Golf Cub - 10:30 start.

Coffe Morning, 26th Nov.

Javea Golf Club - Details TBC.


Padel Tournament, 5th Oct.

Padel 24, Javea - 11:20-16:00hrs


Poppy Appeal Launch, 19th Oct.


Poppy Appeal Lunch, 22nd Oct.

 Attico, Javea.



Feral Cats, 15th Sep

 The committee will be at Padel 24 Javea with the stand, in support of Feral Cats.


The Branch will be presenting an eveniing with The ENTERTAINERS, Thursday 26th September. Proceeds will go towards the 2024 Poppy Appeal.


Branch Olympics, Thu 16th.

Olympic Bowls at Benitachel Bowling Green. 9.30am/10am – a staggered start time to accommodate giving out appropriate woods and lessons from a coach. Buffet lunch provided. Total cost pp €18. No jeans to be worn & only flat footwear.


Calpe Expo, Fri 10/11th May.

Branch committee will be attending - 1000-1600hrs




Coffee & Cake, Saturday 20th.


Cortados Cafe, Calle Joan Fuster, 6, Javea – Debbie from Cortados along with Pam Small are holding a Coffee & Cake afternoon on Saturday 20th April from 1pm – 4pm.

For a donation of €5 (all of which is being donated to RBL Javea) people will receive a cup of tea or coffee along with either a sausage roll or a slice of cake.

Hog Roast, Sun 21st.

 La Palmera Bar, Orba from 17:00hrs. Price is €19.95, booking essential - 711072039

Branch Olympics, Tue 23rd.

 Crazy Golf to be held at Flo´s Restaurant (newly opened on the site of the old Bowling Green).

Costing - € 8.50 per person a game, including a drink. Lunch is available to buy for anyone wishing to do so.



Branch Annual Lunch, Tue 26th.

Branch Annual Lunch, 1pm. La Bodeguilla Rerstaurant in Javea Port (next to Ale-Hop). 3 Course Lunch plus drink at 1pm. Costing € 22 per person 

The menu has been sent via Email.
Can I ask you to select your 2 courses, and then send your name and menu choices to Julie (Javea Secretary) via email please. 
Claudine will collect payments at our next branch meeting on the 12th March. 

Breakfast, Tuesday 20th February

At 9.30am at the Attico restaurant, above Hotel Javea in Javea Port
For a full English Breakfast to include either tea or coffee. Cost per person €11 
To reserve your place -
Please give your name to Claudine Cherry along with the €11 pp at our next members meeting on the 13th of February at the Javea Golf Club.

Branch Meeting - Tuesday 13th February 

At Javea Golf Club - at 10.30am 
For those who have not been to the Golf Club before, as you drive to the entrance there is a barrier which will automatically rise as you approach it, there is no need to take a ticket.
The entrance to the coffee area is located on the higher part of the car park and is signposted as the entrance to the restaurant.
Members of the committee will be at the door to guide you to either the coffee area for a pre meeting drink or to the meeting room before the start time of 10.30am. 


Treasure Hunt, January 30th. 


Starting at the DAR Centre, Ctra.de Jesus Pobre.196,03737, Javea at 10.00am - each car will leave one at a time.

If anyone would like to join in but does not have transport please let Julie the branch secretary know a.s.a.p. and arrangements can be made.

If anyone would like to come for the meal only please let Julie the branch secretary know a.s.a.p.

Due to high response for the Car Treasure Hunt the Venue for lunch has had to be changed (due to the restaurant  unable to cater for this number of people on top of their other bookings). So the new venue is now Javea Golf course.Being so close to the day the venue would like to have everyone’s choices beforehand this needs to be given to the club on Sunday so everyone needs to give their choices to the Secretary  by Saturday 27th Jan 2024The meal will cost €20. This is a three course meal with Bread and Alioli and a drink.
The choice are:

STARTERS.Tuna Salad.Caesar Salad.Ravioli with cheese spinach in a tomato sauce.Green leaf Salad (V)

MAINS.Roast Chicken.Fish and Chips.Vegetable Lasagna (V)All mains come with a variety of potato

DESSERT.Trifle. Lemon mousse. Tea or Coffee.


The treasure hunt was won by Michael & Julie Allen, runners up were Guy Parry & Jodie Darrick, followed in 3rd place by Neville & Sara Richardson.


Follow this LINK for Pictures.


Branch Meeting, January 9th 

At Javea Golf Club - at 10.30am 
For those who have not been to the Golf Club before, as you drive to the entrance there is a barrier which will automatically rise as you approach it, there is no need to take a ticket.
The entrance to the coffee area is located on the higher part of the car park and is signposted as the entrance to the restaurant.
Members of the committee will be at the door to guide you to either the coffee area for a pre meeting drink or to the meeting room before the start time of 10.30am. 


December 2023

Christmas Lunch, Thursday 14th December.

This event was organized by Pam and Sue, Details can be found at this LINK

Pam asks that you send her via email or phone (her email address and phone numbers are on the Link) a.s.a.p. the names and menu choices of all those wishing to attend. 
Pam will be collecting payments at the coffee morning on the 28th of November. If anyone is unable to attend this coffee morning Pam will also collect payments at the branch meeting on Tuesday 12th December.
Pam requires all names and menu choices prior to 1st December. If anyone has special dietary requirements, please let Pam know so she can arrange whatever is needed. 

Tuesday 12th

Branch Meeting.

We are delighted to announce that RBL Javea is moving to a new venue for our monthly meetings.
All members please take special note of our new monthly meeting location at Javea Golf Club and start time change.
Please note meetings will start promptly at 10.30 am.
Light refreshments will be avaliable in the restaurant to purchase from 9.00 am.
Ctra. Jávea-Benitachell, No. 285 km. 4.5 03730 Xàbia/Jávea.


Thursday 14th

Xmas Lunch. Place - Cala Brisa Beach Club. Time 1.00pm

Tuesday 28th.

Coffee & Cake Morning, at the Pinosol Hotel, (Aparthotel Pinosol), Travessera de les Cansalades, 53, Javea. (Opposite the Parc Pinosol on the road between Javea & Benitachell.) At 11.00am 
We look forward to seeing as many of our members as are able to make this date.

Tuesday 21st

Claudine is organising a lunch for the branch to wish Dick & Hilda Morley all the very best in their new home further down the coast and to thank them for their years of dedicated service within the Javea Branch. This will take place at one of Dick & Hilda´s favourite restaurants in Javea: Katmandu, Javea, on Tuesday 21st November at 1.30pm 

To enable Claudine to negotiate a good price she requires to know how many would be attending. Therefore, could you please email our Secretary, Julie (javea.secretary@rbl.community) if you would like to attend by November 8th.

Tuesday 14th.

Due to a number of changes in the circumstances at the DAR Centre, our next Branch Meeting on Tuesday 14th November will be held at Sofia´s Restaurant in Javea.
Sophia´s Restaurant will open at 11.00am. Coffee can be purchased before the meeting due to start at 11.30am
Sofia´s Restaurant is on Carr Cabo La Nao Pla, 20, Javea. 
Looking forward to seeing as many members next Tuesday as are able to make the meeting at Sophia´s Restaurant.

Sunday 12th.

Remembrance Service. The service will be at 3pm in Javea Fisherman's Church @ C. Pio x, 9, 03730 Javea.. Roger has secured the Lady Elizabeth school girls’ choir to sing, along with booking the Cheers bar for drinks afterwards. The RAF association, along with the RN association and the Aircrew association will take their Standards.

Friday 10th.

Remembrance Service. The service will be at 6.30 pm in Moraira, Santa Maria dels Desemparats de Moraira @ C. de La Inglesia 13, 03724 Moraira. The Male Voice Choir have been booked.

Thursday 9th.

Once again we will held our Charity Dance Exercise class, this year on Thursday 9th November at Bar Can Tallerina in Jalon, starting at 10am, in aid of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2023. The cost to take part in the class, will be 10€ to include refreshments after. Members of the Royal British Legion will be in attendance with their poppies.
Everyone is invited to attend. You don't have to dance......just come along, have a breakfast, or sit with a coffee and a cake, enjoy the music and take part in our fabulous raffle.

Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd.

2nd & 3rd November - Poppy selling in Ondara Shopping Centre, 1000 - 2000hrs.



Poppy Appeal Breakfast. Attico Restaurant (top floor of Hotel Javea).

Cost for Full English Breakfast is €10. If you wish to attend the breakfast please contact Julie Allen or Claudine Cherry before 10th October. Payment is required in advance and can be paid at the coffee morning on 26th September or at the AGM on 10th October.

Saturday 14th.

Poppy Appeal Launch. Benidorm. The Benidorm branch  are organising the launch again this year. Please save this date in your diary, we would encourage as many branch members as possible attend.

Javea Branch AGM - 10th October 2023


BRANCH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Come and join us at the DAR Social Club and Community Centre. The meeting starts at 11 am.

We look forward to welcoming as many of our members as are able to attend. There is plenty of parking space. If anyone requires a lift please contact a member of the committee. 


Tuesday 26th   

Coffee Morning. Time 10.30am. Pinosol Hotel (aparthotel Pinosol) Travessera de les Cansalades, 53, Javea. Opposite the Parc Pinosol on the road between Javea and Benitachell.

There is no need to reserve, we look forward to seeing as many as can make the date. 

Tuesday 19th

Crazy Golf and Lunch. The Brevis Bar & Restaurant Mini Golf, C. Cada. Real, 03724, Moraira. Meeting there at 11 am, cost is €5 per game.

Sunday 17th

Feral Cats Gala Day. Paris 24, Javea. We request members to support this event as our RBL branch has been nominated as the guest charity to promote ourselves. Our stand and publicity flyers will be present on the day. Mike Dennison will be the resident DJ, Pam Small and her team will be putting on a dance performance at 12.45.


Tuesday 12th.

BRANCH MEETING. Come and join us for this month's meeting at the DAR Social Club and Community Centre. 
We meet at 11 am for a chat and coffee with the meeting starting at 11.30 am.
We look forward to welcoming as many of our members and Facebook group followers as are able to attend. There is plenty of parking space. If anyone requires a lift please contact a member of the committee. 




3 Amigos Armed Forces Club, Benidorm

25th August 2023

The RBL Riders Group will be in Benidorm on the 25th August @ 3pm for the opening of the “3 Amigos Armed Forces Club” to support Diane and Jim in their new venture. We would love to see some of you there…. Follow this LINK for the Flyer and Location.

July 2023

70th Anniversary of the Korean War

The Royal British Legion will be marking this important milestone in an often-forgotten conflict with a special service of Remembrance at Horse Guards Parade on Thursday 27 July from 11am. More information and Link HERE



Saturday 13th May 2023

Padel Tournament

Padel Tournament in support of the Royal British Legion - Javea Branch with live entertainment at Paris 24.
If you would like to play on the day, please get in touch. If you don't play, then please come along and support the event. Full details to follow.

Sunday 7th May

King Charles III Coronation - May 2023

What a wonderful afternoon we had celebrating the Kings Coronation on Sunday, in beautiful surroundings.

Thank you so much to Sunset st8 The Cheaky Blinder and Mick Dennison for giving up their time to entertain us for free. To all those who attended and made the afternoon a success, thank you.

We also raised 450 euros for the Poppy Appeal 2023, which is a fantastic amount. Thank you all for your support.

Follow this LINK for pictures. these are only a few of the total taken, the committee has full access to

where they are stored.