poppy field


Shortly after the creation of the British Legion in 1921, a branch was formed in Hunstanton.

The date was 21 March 1922 and branch headquarters in those early days was a tin hut close to the present Hunstanton Library. In 1948, shortly after the end of the Second World War, these premises proved inadequate for the needs of a growing branch so it was all hands to the pumps and members raised sufficient money to buy larger and more substantial accommodation just across at 22 Westgate, where Burnels the furniture shop now exists, and the branch, together with a British Legion Club, co-existed here for a number of years.

In early 1969 Legion Club rules restricted the percentage of associate members and this change in the rules brought about a change of name for the Club. The Legion later changed the rules again but not before club members, who were of course all Legion members as well, had decided to cease their affiliation to the British Legion Clubs organisation and rename the club "The United Services and Social Club" under CIU Rules.

This arrangement continued until 1975 by which time, of course, the British Legion had become The Royal British Legion (1971). Things were still going fine and even bigger premises were now required to house both the branch and the club. The club moved to "Homefields", which previously had been a girls school. The club is the present Headquarters of the Hunstanton branch of The Royal British Legion and a good relationship continues to exist.

More recently, the Hunstanton branch fortunes have had their highs and lows but, led by an active committee, the branch is now enjoying an increasing membership. Numbers have increased over the last few years to the point where they are now around the 100 mark and cover a large age range.

Full details of Branch meetings can be found on the "Newsletter" page. Why not join us and be part of the future history of the branch?  All meetings take part in a happy, friendly atmosphere and you can be sure of a warm welcome.

We also have a Women's Section branch, for any ladies preferring an all female gathering, has also existed alongside the main Hunstanton branch for a number of years now, but the main branch has quite a high female membership some of whom are accompanied by their husbands, or maybe husbands are accompanied by their wives! Whichever way round, they apparently enjoy the night out together amongst friendly people.