poppy field


Joining the Branch

Membership is open to anyone who supports the values of the Legion - you don't need to have served.

Please note that becoming a member does not entitle you to become a Legion beneficiary. Beneficiaries are those who have served with any arm of the British Forces for a minimum period of seven days, their spouses and dependents.

Benefits of Legion Membership

Membership entitles you to a wide range of Legion exclusive services and discounts through our parent site in the UK. You will receive a copy of Legion, an attractive, informative glossy magazine, six times a year. In addition you will receive a (roughly) quarterly Branch Newsletter documenting what is happening in the Branch, as well as forthcoming events.

You can become involved in the Poppy Appeal and Remembrance activities, and there are opportunities to participate in the ceremonial duties and perhaps serve on the Branch Committee or train as a Standard Bearer or Welfare case worker, looking after the needs of ex-Service men and women, their families and dependants.


You can join The Royal British Legion Holland Branch:

  • online (if you have a British bankaccount) at: https://selfservice.britishlegion.org.uk/
  • or get in touch with our Membership secretary: The Royal British Legion Holland Branch Membership secretary, Mr K Spaamer: Holland.MemSecretary@rbl.community


Membership fees

Membership fees are kept as low as possible. They include the affiliation fee to The Royal British Legion Headquarters, and are currently €30 per year.