poppy field

Hazel Grove

The Poppy Appeal in Hazel Grove

A great fundraising result for the Poppy Appeal in Hazel Grove in November 2023 with a total of almost £40K being raised - in fact the final figure was £39,955.14

A huge Thank You to all the people of Hazel Grove who have been so generous again. 

Thank You also to all our volunteers who were out in the supermarkets "selling" Poppies and also our local schools, shops, pubs and businesses for all their support.

Not forgetting our Branch Members and volunteers who work tirelessly to help get all the collecting tins and poppy items out and then collect them all in and count and bank the money raised, Thank You.

Poppy People

Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal should contact our Poppy Appeal Organiser, Mike Wiseman on 07720 348322 or email: michael.l.wiseman@hotmail.co.uk