poppy field


 Remembrance Sunday 2023

Every year the residents of Haughley and surrounding areas come out in force to remember the fallen; this year was no exception. The branch gathered at the village post office with members of the village, Haughley and Wetherden Scouts and explorers with representatives of Haughley Youth Football club and pre school. Woody led the smart walk from the post office, past the revamped war memorial and into the church where we were met by Rev Paul Clarke. The two minute silence was signalled by the last post and reveille. Rev Paul Clarke gave a short meaningful sermon; based on stories.

Like each year, a legion member called out each fallen soldiers name from the village where the beavers and scouts from the village laid a poppy to remember them. Following the service inside the church (which the vicar said was warm😂) everybody gathered around the war memorial for the laying of wreaths and prays. Afterwards some members of the branch went the Stag Cafe for lunch.ki

On behalf of the branch and village I would like to extend my thanks to our Vice chair Mrs M Buttle for organising such a heartfelt remberance service for 2023.