poppy field


When 40 visitors arrived at Wattisham Flying Station for an afternoon visit to the Museum it was like being a kid again. For the first part of the afternoon the group were taken down to one of the old aircraft hangers where the volunteers from the museum kindly gave a talk on each of the restored aircraft, these were a Black Arrow Hunter, a Phantom and a Lightening which used to fly from Whattisham. Outside there were 3 helicopters that everyone could clamber into, the children were in their element as were the big kids, unfortunately no apache.

After looking around the group   returned to the museum to enjoy afternoon tea provided by a museum volunteer who also happens to be one of our branch members. Fed and watered everyone then had time to look around the museum itself.

Margaret Buttle, branch secretary said "what a wonderful afternoon for the group from the age of 6+. We would like to extend our thanks to Alan and Pearl Hollocks who took the time to arrange the afternoon and their band of volunteers.

Margaret also said "trips like these are what the branch is about. Having fun, learning but most of all raising money for our veterans to give them a quality of life. I would truly recommend this museum as a must visit!"

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Photos: Courtesy of Stuart Hollman

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