poppy field


Scout Event 10th April

What were you doing Friday evening? 10 members or so from the branch stepped away from their usual Friday evenings to offer support to the local Scott unit in Haughley to which we are affiliated too.

The boys and girls had been given the challenge to use their imagination and invent a new board game, and we were asked to trial them which was a privilege! After having fun, racking our brains and feeling mentally challenged we   gave constructed comments on some of ways the games and rules could be improved. In the main they had been well thought out with Sophie's Spinner being the overall winner.

After speaking to the branch secretary Margaret buttle she said "it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening, with the end of the evening being homemade cup cakes as there were three birthdays earlier in the week". She also said, " it's important that small branches like ourselves, need to support events like this to integrate with the youth today"