poppy field


Harrogate Det. Army Cadet Force Boost Appeal

36 Army Cadets from Harrogate Detachment ACF based at the Old TA Centre on Strawberry Dale helped boost the Poppy Appeal in 2011.

Cadets manned both Morrisons and Asda supermarkets on both Saturdays and the full Sunday for the full day.

Some senior cadets did 10 hour shifts whilst the rest of the cadets stagged on over the day to give full coverage.

They also stepped into the breach when a transport issue delayed Foundation College Cadets arriving on the 2nd Saturday by covering town centre until they arrived.

Cadets also collected on Remembrance Sunday around the Cenotaph before and after the Service.

The Army Cadets did a sterling effort and raised a staggering £6376.15

Mike Comerford, Branch Joint Poppy Appeal Organiser presented the Detachment with a Certificate of Appreciation
