The Branch held a special Service of Dedication of their new
Branch Standard on Sunday 16th May 2010 at St Peter's Church,
The event was well attended by Branch Members and Guests with
over 60 people in Church.
Guest of Honour was North Yorkshire County President, Maj Gen
Michael Charlton-Weedy CBE who later received the Standard at the
Branch's Meeting Place and also said a few words to the Branch.
Other guests inlcuded the CO of Army Foundation College
Harrogate - Lt Col OCock, Adjutant Capt Linsdall and RSM
Standards from Upper Nidderdale Branch RBL, Green Howards
Association Harrogate and RAF Association Harrogate.
The Minden Bugles of E Coy Yorkshire (N&W) Army Cadet Force
attended to play Last Post and Reveille during the service and also
played a fanfare at the Club for the Standard's arrival making a
special lift to the Event.
As the Branch is very busy throughout the year and required to
be in a few places at once during the Remembrance period, the old
Standard will not be laid up in Church but will be kept for wet
days and secondary events.