2011 Lunch
was well attended by the usual Branch Members and this year's Guest
of Honour was County President, Maj Gen Michael Charlton-Weedy CBE
At the Lunch
a couple of presentations were made.
Both Members
have served the Branch in various Exec Ctte Roles for many years
and the Branch publically thanked them at the AGM and at the
The Branch 90th Anniversary Raffle was also drawn at the
Lunch by the Maj Gen and details are on the side tab.

of Appreciation to Mr Joe Minogue who this year stood down from the

of Appreciation to Mr Gordon Townsley who also stood down as
Chairman and a member of the Committee.

Presentation of Cheque from the 90th Anniversary Raffle
Draw to the Poppy Appeal.
From the time
of writing the cheque more tickets had been sold bringing the total
up to £2,305.40.
Well done
again to Gordon for his efforts in organsing the Draw.