poppy field


The Royal British Legion are recognised as the national custodians of Remembrance

Remembrance Sunday - Parade and Church Service - 10th November 2024

Every year the nation unites to make sure that no-one is forgotten and to remember and honour those who have sacrificed themselves to secure and protect our freedom.

Redenhall with Harleston Town Council and the Harleston & District Branch of The Royal British Legion are pleased to announce that the parade is scheduled to take place this year on Sunday 10th November.  All groups and organisations that are taking part in the parade should gather on Exchange Street by 10.30am ready to march off at 10.40am.

The parade will march off down the Thoroughfare and into Broad Street for the wreath laying and a short service at the War Memorial.  This will be immediately followed by a Remembrance Service in St John’s Church.  The parades are always well attended and The Royal British Legion is looking to your continued support. 

Every year the nation shows its unequivocal support for the Legion’s work through its support of the Poppy Appeal.  For this nationwide event of reflection and remembrance, millions of poppies, wreaths and petals are produced to raise money to help our brave service personnel past and present and their families.  Remembrance does not glorify war and its symbol, the red poppy, is a sign of both Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future.  Poppies are worn as a show of support for the Armed Forces community.  Wearing a poppy is never compulsory but is greatly appreciated by those who it is intended to support.

There will be Poppies available in various outlets around the town in the lead up to Remembrance Sunday.  There will also be a Poppy Stand on the Market Place and outside the Co-op on Sat 2nd Nov, Weds 6th Nov (market day) and Sat 9th Nov 2024.

Remembrance Day (Armistice Day)  - Monday 11th November 2024

Each year at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we observe a Two Minute Silence.  Armistice Day on 11th November marks the end of the First World War and is a day to remember and honour those who have paid the price for our freedom.  On Monday 11th November 2024 there will be a short ceremony at The War Memorial on Broad Street in Harleston at 11.00am.

For any further information please contact the branch secretary.  Email:  Harleston.Secretary@RBL.Community