Daredevil Branch member Shaun
Perrill decided to get a grip of his fear of heights in one easy
hit. Hardwicke and District Branch are always finding ways of
putting the "FUN" into Fundraising and Shaun decided that he would
"give it a go" if members, friends and family threw in a few bob to
the Poppy Appeal.

One of Shaun's friends threw in a
"joker" and said that he would give him double if he did it in a
girls dress. As if by magic, a suitable dress appeared and Shaun
being the sport he is quickly donned it with his matching
Branch polo shirt.

As can be seen by the photograph Shaun went through with his
ordeal, jumping 180 feet from a crane and raised several
hundred pound towards our record breaking 2011 Poppy
Appeal fund.

WELL DONE Shaun! Also, a big THANK YOU to all Branch
members, family and friends who contributed to the Poppy