poppy field

Goole and Howden

The Poppy Appeal in Goole & Howden

Poppy Appeal update
The statement of Account has now been submitted for our Area, and I am delighted to announce that our total for the appeal as of this time last year is up so far we have raised £32358:19p this year compared to £28943:84 last year the total collected in the supermarkets is also up on last year at this moment money is still being donated as well and there's more owed in for wreaths.
I would to thank everyone who helped with the appeal for their hard work and dedication and also the generosity of the people in our area, its a fantastic achievement which we should all be very proud of you have done the Branch and the RBL proud
Yet again another fantastic team effort and well done

Poppy People

Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal should contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator Diane Sacre through the Chairman at goolehowden.chairman@rbl.community