poppy field

Gloucester City RBL

Armistice Day falls on Thursday 11 November 2022.

The Two-minute Silence will take place at 11am.


Armistice Day Plan 11 Nov 2022


  • 10:30 Guests start to arrive
  • 10:45 Mayor, Mayor’s Consort, Sheriff and Sheriff’s Consort to arrive at the entrance (off Southgate Street) to Eastgate Shopping Centre to be met by Branch Standard bearers
  • 10:54 Service starts – introduction and thanks, Branch Chairman

Welcome the:

The Right Worshipful Mayor of Gloucester, Councillor Collette Finnigan, Gloucester City Sheriff, Councillor Pam Tracey, their consorts and other Civics

Branch members

General public

  • 10:55 Prayers – Mayor’s Chaplain (if available, if not skip this)
  • 10:58Exhortation – read by the Mayor, if no Mayor then the County President, else Branch President, else Branch Chairman

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, 
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning 
We will remember them."

All respond: "We will remember them."

  • The Last Post - recording/ PA, provided by Bob  
  • 11:02 Reveille – recording/ PA, provided by Bob  
  • Immediately after Reveille - The Kohima Epitaph - County President, if no County President then Branch Chairman

“When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say, 

For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today.”


                                                Dismiss officers and parade