The Gloucester City Branch was first established on 4th February 1922.
Text below from the image dated 6th Feb 1922:

From the newspaper ‘The Citizen’ dated 6th February 1922
Sir,-Knowing the interest you take in the ex-Servicemen’s cause, I beg a little of your valuable space to acquaint them of what I hope will prove to be a boon to many who are now in difficulties.
A branch of the British Legion is now established in the city, and I appeal to the seven or eight thousand ex-Servicemen here to join this organisation, the only one now in existence, in being an amalgamation of the other bodies formed near the end of the Great War.
Whatever fault some may find with past organisations, others have just cause to thank them for help which could not have been given if they were not in existence. The real reason why so many men are in trouble today is that they did not help and stick to their organisations have they should have done. These movements depend solely for their effectiveness on the number of members belonging to them.
One man with a grievance is helpless by himself, but when he is backed by the British Legion he will get help, whether it is to get a job or to start in business, pay the school fees for a promising child, help his dependants when they are in need, or other ways, which, if he will take the trouble to inquire, may be news to him.
I do not want “scroungers” to get the idea that they can join the Legion and be kept for the rest of their lives. In the first place this class of man is not wanted, and if he is known he will not be accepted as a member.
The men we want are those in jobs, so that they may help those less fortunate, others who will get their pals to join us, those also who want help which when given will be appreciated, and if a job is found do their duty to their employer, and not let down others who want jobs by bringing discredit on their organisation.
The Services Club in Westgate-street is an entirely separate affair. That is open for ex-Servicemen to join whether they belong to an organisation or not. It is sincerely hoped that members of the British Legion will join, and negotiations are now taking place to try to make a subscription of 5s, include membership to both Club and Legion.
At present the Legion subscription is 2s. 6d. and an entrance fee of 1s., 3s. 6d. in all for the first year. Intending members may obtain all the information they require at the Services Club, facilities having been kindly given by the President, between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. any evening for the next two weeks.
It is up to all men who are eligible to join to make the local branch a big success. Everything depends on numbers. When there are sufficient members a meeting will be held, committee and officers elected, and a Relief Committee formed which will have the administration of the Unity Relief Fund. This fund has already assisted nearly 200,000 cases of distress, having expended over £50,000. There are already 1,400 branches of the British Legion in existence, and this number is being added to daily.
The British Legion works in co-operation with the United Services Fund. From this fund £1,934,000 has been expended on behalf of ex Service men and women, widows and dependants; orphan children of ex-Servicemen have been cared for, boarded out, medically treated, and educated.
Now those who are proud of having “done their bit” and are not too selfish to help others roll up and join. Gloucester had a splendid record in the war, and it is up to all those who helped to win it to “get together” in an organisation whose patron is the Prince of Wales and its President Filed-Marshal Earl Haig.
The local officers (temporary and honorary) are Captain A.C. Holloway (chairman), Mr. G. Trevor Wellington (treasurer), and
Yours truly
Gloucester, Feb, 4th