poppy field

Gloucester City RBL

Our postal address is:

RBL Gloucester City Branch Office

C/o The Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum

Custom House

31 Commercial Road 



Note this is only for post, it is not an RBL Club, we may meet there on occasion in the future as part of fostering better ties

Find us on Facebook:

The list below will all be posted via our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Royal-British-Legion-Gloucester-City-203652726313928 

Phone the branch directly:

07962 318999

Our branch officers are below, please include the secretary in all emails:

Branch Roles
President Garry Mills - gmills@britishlegion.org.uk
Chairman (Branch Officer) Judith Stinchcombe - gloucestercity.secretary@rbl.community
Vice Chairman (Branch Officer) Mark Paveley - gloucestercity.memsecretary@rbl.community
Secretary (Branch Officer) Ray Pass - 
Treasurer (Branch Officer) Brian Flynn - gloucestercity.treasurer@rbl.community
Branch Community Support Rep  
Membership secretary See vice chairman above
Standard Bearer  Bob Perkins - bob.perkins55@yahoo.co.uk
Poppy Appeal Organiser Bob Perkins - bob.perkins55@yahoo.co.uk