poppy field


Hoppy Easter event 17.03.2024


Frecheville Branch Parade, Crystal Peaks Nov 10 2017


2017 Parade3


Parade Marshall Steve Bush seeks the Lord Lieutenant's permission to march the parade off... (it was granted!)



2017 Parade8 (1)

Frecheville Branch Parade, Crystal Peaks Nov 10 2017



AFD 2017



AFD 2017c

AFD Sheffield 2017

AFD 2017b


AFD Sheffield 2017

AFD 2017a

AFD Sheffield 2017



Crystal Peaks Armistice 11-11-16 (6)

Armistice Day Parade at Crystal Peaks Mall, Sheffield


Crystal Peaks Armistice 11-11-16 (24)

Armistice Day Parade at Crystal Peaks Mall, Sheffield


Crystal Peaks Armistice 11-11-16 (30) 

The Branch Membership with the Deputy Lord Lieutenant. A fine turnout for the Armistice Day Parade at Crystal Peaks Mall, Sheffield



Fulwood (1)

Dave Warburton and Alan walker lead the 142nd Sheffield Scout Group at the Fulwood Remembrance Sunday Service 2016


Peaks 15

Frecheville Branch on Parade at Crystal Peaks Shopping Mall 11/11/16 in the presence of The Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Sheffield.


Phil Thickett (5) 

Bill Carline's First Anniversary Memorial 13th August 2016




Somme 100a

Somme 100

Weston Park, 1 July 2016. The memorial for the 12th (Sheffield City) (Service) Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment. They went "Over The Top" at 7:30 am. By 8:30 they had ceased to exist as a unit.



Somme Badges (1)

Wearing my Somme Badges on AFD Sheffield, 2016



HMS Sheff 2

Madame Chairman - HMS Sheffield Memorial 08/05/2016

HMS Sheff 1

Steve and Pat at HMS Sheffield Memorial Service


Local coverage of Bill Carline's funeral



The Order of Service  for Bill Carline's funeral



Branch President David Warburton at the funeral of Bill Carline

Pat At Cenotaph 1B

Chairman Pat Davey carrying the Sheffield Women's  Branch Standard at a Remembrance Day Parade sometime in the 1960's or 70's




Civil Defence 1C

Chairman Pat Davey (Front Centre) with Sheffield Civil Defence Ambulance Corps on Exercise at Imphal Barracks 




Former Branch Chairman, now "Chairman, Sheffield Group RBL" Bryan Green. Armistice day 2015



Wet Poppy

Lest we forget!



Eric 2015

Eric Colley: Remembrance Sunday 2015

Eric had a season ticket at Bramall Lane before WW2. During the Sheffield Blitz, as a fifth former, he did overnight "Firewatch" duty on the roof of his school, Firth Park Grammar, once a week!




Arthur Ellwood and Steve Bush, Remembrance Sunday 2015. Stand a bit closer to the razor Steve!




Poppies 77

 Fred Hall, selling Poppies at Crystal Peaks - Nov 2015. Ask him about the time he nearly shot Colonel Gadaffi (or LCpl Gadaffi as he was back then)




Poppies 34

Alan Walker and Phil Thickett, selling Poppies at Crystal Peaks - Nov 2015. Two former matelots, ready to sing a shanty and dance a hornpipe!


Asda3 (1)

Steve Bush, Best selling author of "Gee'or Ruwerin'", official Beatles historian and winner of the "Who can wear the most badges" competition, selling Poppies at ASDA - Nov 2015

 Arbo 5

 Steve Lee, 44 years in uniform!! NMA 2015



NMA 2015




Standard 2

VE Day 70



VE Day 70 in Sheffield




Blue Ridge Mountains

VE Day 70 -All Together Now  "♪ In.♪. The...♪.. Blue Ridge Mountains of Viriginia ♪♪....."





VE Day 70 Two great military minds...




Sunday 2


Claire. Remembrance Sunday 2013


Sunday 1

Remembrance Sunday 2013


Sennelager 1984


Steve Bush and HRH enjoying a private joke. Sennelager 1984. Note the strategic "back-to-front" skid lid!

Thassos - Blandford - Nottingham 073

Paying respect at the RSignals Corps Memorial, June 2013



Sadies Pic2


Branch members Walter Whitely, Gail Leach, Steve Bush and Dave Warburton, enjoying the hospitality of the Royal Signals Corps WO's andSgts' Mess on Old Comrades Weekend, June 2013






Dave Warburton in Iraq. 1957



 Reflections 2013





Our Secretary Steve Bush meets HRH Princess Anne. Sennelager 1984




Parade 1


Steve Bush proudly carrying the Branch Standard for the WW1 Centenary Memorial Service, Sheffield Cathedral Aug 4th 2014


Parade 2

Steve Bush proudly carrying the Branch Standard for the WW1 Centenary Memorial Service, Sheffield Cathedral Aug 4th 2014





Chairman Bryan Green presenting Flight Lieutenant Fiona Fairclough, Officer Commanding 860 (Mosborough) Squadron ATC,  with the Certificate of Affiliation, May 2014



Branch Chairman Bryan Green, supported by Steve Bush, presenting 860 Sqn ATC (Mosborugh) with the Certificate of Affiliation


Parade 4


Into The Cathedral with the Branch Standard. April 3rd, 2014

Parade 5


Patience Bush, Gwen Wilkinson and Faith Austin. Sheffield Armed Forces Memorial Day, June 2014




Poppy Sales at ASDA Drakehouse, November 2014. Steve and Patience were both in uniform when they met in The Naafi at 8 Sig Regt, Vimy Barracks, Catterick, April 1977. "Pearl's a Singer" was playing on the Juke Box