poppy field






  • Make contact with and arrange to visit beneficiaries as requested by the Area team.
  • Draw up a profile of the beneficiary’s circumstances and needs, filling in this record online.
  • Where possible establish their eligibility for support by examining evidence of their Service record
  • Report back to the appropriate Case Officer with recommendations or refer to a regional specialist as appropriate
  • Carry out follow up case management tasks as agreed with the supervising welfare staff member.
  • Develop and maintain a working knowledge of the Legion, its mission, objectives and the services that it provides along with a basic understanding of the statutory benefits framework.


  • Welcome visitors to the Legion premises or event and support the Area team in staffing the Area office front desk or outreach locations, greeting and answering queries from beneficiaries and members of the public.
  • Signpost beneficiaries to a range of support options, drawing on the on-line information platform and published leaflets.  This will include information not only on the Legion’s own services but on those of other welfare organisations and statutory services.
  • Support beneficiaries to utilise the Legion’s digital platform as a source of information and support, encouraging them to register on-line and develop an understanding of the self-support facilities available via this platform.
  • Undertake one to one meetings with beneficiaries as required, supporting them to ensure that a full record of their circumstances and needs is completed.  Where appropriate, work with individual beneficiaries to support them to identify and plan the follow up actions that they will take and, where necessary, make recommendations for future Legion support.
  • Develop and maintain a working knowledge of the Legion, its mission, objectives and the services that it provides along with a basic understanding of the statutory benefits framework.


  • Make contact with and arrange to visit beneficiaries as requested by the Area team or local Branch.
  • Carry out visits to provide companionship to those isolated, unwell or in need of friendly support
  • Work with other members of the Area team to research and identify activities and opportunities which may be suitable and of interest to particular beneficiaries.
  • Refer further domestic needs to the Area team and report back regularly on number and frequency of visits
  • Develop and maintain a working knowledge of the Legion, its mission, objectives and operations and the services it provides.


  • Support the effective operation of the office or department by answering the telephone and assisting with general administrative duties.
  • Support the effective operation of Legion systems and databases through inputting data and maintaining filing and other office systems.
  • Support the planning and organising of events through booking locations and facilities and liaising with attendees.
  • Develop and maintain a working knowledge of the Legion, its mission, objectives and the services that it provides.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT VOLUNTEER (role to be implemented in 2014)

  • Make contact with and arrange to visit beneficiaries as requested by the Area team or local Branch.
  • Carry out visits to provide companionship to those isolated, unwell or in need of friendly support
  • Work with other members of the Area team to research and identify activities and opportunities which may be suitable and of interest to particular beneficiaries.
  • Refer further domestic needs to the Area team and report back regularly on number and frequency of visits
  • Offer practical support with day to day activities such as shopping or gardening
  • Support identified beneficiaries to access community facilities such as libraries, clubs, sports and recreation facilities through driving them / accompanying them on visits. 
  • Develop and maintain a working knowledge of the Legion, its mission, objectives and operations and the services that it provides.


  • Review the last Poppy Appeal and, in conjunction with staff and County coordinator draw up a plan for the current year
  • In conjunction with staff and County coordinator recruit and  brief sufficient collectors and keep accurate records of their locations
  • Assist with publicity and promotion
  • Order sufficient stock and organise the distribution and collection of tins
  • Ensure takings are safeguarded and banked promptly


  • Collect monies from the public at location(s) and time(s) agreed with  the Poppy Appeal Organiser (PAO)
  • Return collecting tins promptly to PAO or their designated assistant



  • Assist the PAO in the accurate counting, recording and banking of all public donations received during the Poppy Appeal.
  • Assist the PAO in the banking of Poppy Appeal monies and cheques at a nominated bank/post office in accordance with relevant health & safety guidelines.
  • Assist the PAO in the reconciliation of banking and the completion of the income return to the Poppy Appeal at the end of the appeal.