poppy field




Reg: Charity No: 219279


Minutes of the meeting held at The Angel Inn, 17th May 2017, Chairman Pat Davey


  1. Meeting Opening: The Meeting opened at 19:10 with a Homage to The Fallen

  2. Attendance: There were 20 members and 3 guests present, and 7 apologies

  3. It was proposed by Derek Wilkinson and seconded by Gwen Wilkinson, that the minutes of the previous meeting be passed as read. Carried

  4. Matter arising:

  • The April fund raiser was well attended and an impressive sum raised for the Pilgrimage Fund. Thanks to Alan for his hard work.

  • The Padre at St James' Church has now accepted a new post in Worksop and so will no longer be able to take on the role of Branch Padre. The Reverend Ian Jennings will be approached as a possible replacement.

  • The HMS Sheffield Remembrance Service was well attended and dutifully observed.

  • Nominations for County Chairman. Secretary now has nomination form. Nominations needed by 11 Sept. The Branch will consider nominating Christine Spencer to continue in the role.

  1. Membership: New members. The Chairman welcomed Derek Wheeler, who is in the process of joining the branch

  2. Welfare:

    • Dave Warburton gave an update on Gayle Leach and spoke about Eric Hobson's recent funeral. His and Alan Walkers visits to Care Homes will continue.

    • Fred Hall spoke about about his visit to Derek Thompson, a former National Serviceman now suffering from dementia.

    • Arthur Ellwood told us that Ken Petch, a Korean War Vet, is now in sheltered housing in Nether Edge.

  3. Agenda:

  1. Correspondence:

    • Steve Bush: The Final Agenda for this year's National Conference is published. The Secretary has a copy. Motion 12 is of particular interest. Bryan Green will present this motion at conference.

    • Bryan Green: Stall booked for Eckington Summer Fest, Sat 1st july, Eckington Junior School Sports Field. Volunteers required.

    • Fred Hall: D-Day Function at “Fairways” on 6 June,12 noon to 3PM. £11 per head. Please let Fred know if you wish to attend.

    • Steve Bush: Ashworth Barracks Museum in Doncaster is now the home of the VC Trust. Pamphlets are available from the secretary.

    • Alan Walker: Members are invited to a Seminar at The National Mining Museum in Overton, Wakefield on 9 Sept.

    • Alan Walker: All Poppy Bottles will need new labels for the upcoming season. Liaise with Alan.

  2. Treasurer:

  • Legion Fund: £266.34

  • 3WFund £1642.97

  • Pilgrimage Fund: £558.02

  • Poppy Appeal 2016 £59,688.00 + circa £1300 reclaimed tax yet to come.

The existing counting machines have been modified and will no longer need replacing this year.

  1. Other Business:

    • Chairman: An update on The Handy Van Service

    • Martin Charlesworth: Explained his role as “Sth Yorks Advice and Information Officer”. He is at Crystal peaks “First Point” on second Friday of each month, 1-3PM. The Secretary will scan and distribute the literature Martin has left.

    • Martin Charlesworth: The launch of The Veterans' Gateway is delayed until 20 June due to the General Election.

    • Diary Dates

      • Sat 17 Jun: Sheffield Armed Forces and Veterans' Day. Parade 11:30 am, Norfolk Row. Followed by entertainment in The Peace Gardens.

      • Sat 24 June: National Armed Forces and Veterans' Day

      • Fri 11 Aug: Dedication of WW1 VC Plaque for Arnold Loosemoore. Timings to follow

      • Sun 17 Sept. Battle of Britain Parade 12 Noon behind City Hall, march to Cathedral for service. Saluting dias will be outside Cutlers' Hall.

      • Sat 28 Oct:Poppy Sales Launch.

      • Sat 11 Nov: Armistice Day Parade, RBL Frecheville Branch, Crystal Peaks, 11am. Form at “Domo” Luggage Shop, 10:30

      • Sun 12 Nov: Remembrance Sunday Service,Barkers Pool

  2. Meeting Closure:.There being no further matters the meeting closed at 20:05 PM “The Queen”