poppy field




Reg: Charity No: 219279


Minutes of the meeting held at The Angel Inn, 15th March 2017, Chairman Pat Davey


  • Meeting Opening: The Meeting opened at 19:07 with a Homage to The Fallen

  • Attendance: There were 30 members present, and 6 apologies

  • It was proposed by Phil Thickett and seconded by Anne Warburton, that the minutes of the previous meeting be passed as read. Carried

  • Matters arising:

    • A letter has been sent to the Lord Lieutenant's Office requesting a representative to attend the branch Armistice Day Parade. No reply has yet been received.

    • The Padre at St James' Church has accepted an invitation to become Branch Padre. The Chairman will meet him shortly and invite him to a branch meeting.

    • It was proposed by Eric Colley and seconded by Joyce Street that The Chairman draft a letter suggesting improvements to the National Commitee Election procedures. Carried.

  • Membership:

    • The Chairman welcomed new member Patience Bush.

    • Membership issues still exist and are slowly being addressed.

  • Welfare:

    • Dave Warburton gave an update on visits to local care homes. This will continue

    • Jim Mees is in hospital in Spain with a minor brain bleed.

  • Agenda:

  • The Chairman spoke about George Lambert, Sheffield's first VC. who is buried at Wardsend Cemetery. He took part in three major battles during the Indian Mutiny in 1857, and was awarded the VC on 18 June 1858. The Branch will investigate holding some form of remembrance ceremony.

  • The Chairman gave details of a meeting with Tony Dams, who spoke about the AGE UK Project. Prospective training may be needed for members who wish to join the project. Further investigation is needed.

  • Election of Trustees – Denise Edgar, Lt Col (Ret'd) Joseph Falzon, Colin Stuart Kemp and John Morrison were selected to receive the branch vote

Inadvertently omitted from original Minutes

  • As David Warburton is both President and Vice Chairman, it was decided that he should be replaced in the latter role. It was proposed by Sylavia Hall and seconded by Arthur Ellwood that wef date Bryan Green be appointed Vice Chairman . Carried

  • Correspondence:

    • Parade to rededicate tree monument to Somme victims at Oxford St /Crookes Valley Rd. 11am Sunday 19th March. The Branch Standard will be paraded.

    • Stall booked for Eckington Summer Fest, Sat 1st July, Eckington Junior School Sports Field. Volunteers required.

  • Treasurer:

    • April Function details “Singalong” Hot and cold buffet. £10 per head. 7PM start. Bring a raffle prize.

  • Legion Fund£134.34

  • 3WFund£1136.75 (£50 to come out)

  • Poppy Sales 2016=~ £59.5K

  • Pilgrimage. Alan Walker will take sponsorship pledges to raise money for the pilgrimage on his “Coast to Coast” walk in June.

  • The cash counters will need to be replaced in the summer, at a cost of =~ £160 each.

  1. Other Business:

  • Sun 23 April: Bill Carline Remembrance Service. Frecheville Monument 10:30 am., followed by drinks in The Sherwood

  • Sun 14 May: “HMS Sheffield” Remembrance Parade, Sheffield Cathedral. Timings to follow

  • Sat 17 Jun: Sheffield Armed Forces and Veterans' Day. Parade 11:30 am, Norfolk Row. Followed by entertainment in The Peace Gardens.

  • Sat 24 June: National Armed Forces and Veterans' Day

  • Sun 6 Aug: Dedication of WW1 VC Plaque for Arnold Loosemoore. Timings to follow

  • Sun 17 Sept. Battle of Britain Parade 12 Noon behind City Hall, march to Cathedral for service. Saluting dias will be outside Cutlers' Hall.

  • Sat 28 Oct:Poppy Sales Launch.

  • Sat 11 Nov: Armistice Day Parade, RBL Frecheville Branch, Crystal Peaks, 11am. Form at “Domo” Luggage Shop, 10:30

  • Sun 12 Nov: Remembrance Sunday Service,Barkers Pool 11am. Form at rear of City Hall at 10:30am.

  1. Meeting Closure: There being no further matters the meeting closed at 20:05 PM “The Queen”