poppy field




Reg: Charity No: 219279


Minutes of the meeting held at The Angel Inn, 21st June 2017, Chairman Pat Davey


  1. Meeting Opening: The Meeting opened at 19:10 with a Homage to The Fallen

  2. Attendance: There were 22 members and 1 guest present, and 9 apologies

  3. It was proposed by Fred Hall and seconded by Bryan Green, that the minutes of the previous meeting be passed as read. Carried

  4. Matter arising:

  • National Conference: The proposal which was put forward by Bryan Green at the National Conference was passed almost unanimously. Bryan received a standing applause and was declared “The Star of The Shaw”. The proposal now goes before the Board of Trustees.

  • Veterans' Gateway now “Live” https://www.veteransgateway.org.uk/ (Live Chat and Email link) Call 0808 802 1212, Text 81212.

  • Armed Forces Day 2017. Parade itself went well. Problems with both the seating and the PA system. Chairman and Secretary will find out who to speak to. County Chairman is aware and has it on her radar. There were mixed views on the security provided. Fred Hall told an anecdotal story about Table 12 at the Pie'n'Peas lunch.

  • Padre. The Chairman gave an update on her, as yet unsuccessful attempts to contact the proposed new Padre. It is thought he may be on vacation, and the attempts will continue


  1. Membership: No new members.

  • The Chairman welcomed Gail Leach and Margaret Stracey back after illness

  1. Welfare:

    • Fred Hall has invited former National Serviceman and Alzheimers sufferer, Derek Thompson and his wife to attend a future meeting


  1. Agenda:

    • Chairman: The Chairman asked if anyone knew who puts the Poppies out at Mansfield Rd Cemetery each year. No one did.

    • Chairman: Update on GP90

    • Secretary: Update on Alan Walker's “Coast to Coast” Walk.

    • Chairman: Poppy Wear Items. All requests for items should be made through Alan Walker

  1. Correspondence

    • Chairman: Stall booked for Eckington Summer Fest, Sat 1st july, Eckington Junior School Sports Field. Volunteers required.

    • Secretary: Table booked for Charnock/Birley/St John Fisher School WW1 Commemoration Evenings 28/29 June. 6PM at Charnock School, Carter Hall Rd (off White Lane). All members welcome to come and support the Legion “Interest” stall. Any WW1 interest items will be appreciated.

  1. Treasurer

    • Legion Fund: £266.34

    • 3WFund £1703.97

    • Poppy Appeal 2016: (£59.7K + £1.3K Tax expected) = £61K

  1. Other Business:

  • The Secretary gave a brief synopsis of the Council's “Military Human” training courses as part of The Covenant.

  • The October Branch Meeting will take place on the Second Wednesday, 11th Oct, due to vacations and Poppy Sales preparations

  • Letters have been sent to: ASDA Drakehouse, Aldi Drakehouse, Morrisons Halfway, Sainsburys Crystal Peaks, M&S Crystal Peaks, Management Crystal Peaks, requesting the usual Poppy Sales facilities from 29 Oct to 10 Nov.

  • Shiregreen Branch Christmas Function: Friday 8 December Novotel. Let Chairman know by August Meeting. Approx cost £25

  • After much discussion about the Frecheville Memorial Trees, it was decided to ask Cllr Denise Fox and Cllr Terry Fox to the July meeting for a Q&A

  • Angie Dalton spoke about the WI “Message in a Bottle” Service. She will invite the WI Contact on the project to the August (or later) meeting.

  • Danielle Reilly spoke of a “Strictly” inspired event at Gentings on Fri 10 Nov. Those interested should speak directly to Daneille

  • Diary Dates

    • Sat 24 June: National Armed Forces and Veterans' Day

    • Fri 11 Aug: Dedication of WW1 VC Plaque for Arnold Loosemoore. 11 am Barkers Pool

    • Sun 17 Sept. Battle of Britain Parade 12 Noon behind City Hall, march to Cathedral for service. Saluting dias will be outside Cutlers' Hall.

    • Sat 28 Oct: Sheffield Poppy Sales Launch. Event in City Centre, (possibly on Fri 27th) details to follow

    • Sat 11 Nov: Armistice Day Parade, RBL Frecheville Branch, Crystal Peaks, 11am. Form at “Domo” Luggage Shop, 10:30

    • Sun 12 Nov: Remembrance Sunday Service,Barkers Pool

    • Fri 8 Dec. Shiregreen Branch Christmas Function. Novotel


  1. Meeting Closure:.There being no further matters the meeting closed at 20:20 PM “The Queen”