poppy field




Reg: Charity No: 219279


Minutes of the Meetingheld on 15 Feb 2017


  1. Meeting Opening: The Meeting opened at 1905 hours with a Homage to The Fallen

  2. Present: There were 23 Members and 1 guests present.

  3. Apologies: There were 11 apologies. Gwynneth O'Brien: Danielle Reilly: George Young: Margaret Stirling: Stuart Dalton: Angie Dalton: Steve Lee: Moss Elliott: Gwen Wilkinson: Derrick Wilkinson:

  4. Minutes of the last meeting:It was proposed by Fred Hall and seconded by Joyce Street that the Minutes of The Previous meeting be passed as read. Carried

  5. Membership: Chairman: The Chairman updated the branch on outstanding membership issues and reaffirmed her commitment to solve these problems. She welcomed new member Joyce Street, potential new member Patience Bush and welcomed back Kath House, whose membership issue is now solved.

  6. Matters arising: Secretary:

  • The “Veterans' Gateway” service, as mentioned in last month's meeting, was introduced in the latest Legion Magazine, and will be more detailed in the next issue

  • The “Leeds” Meeting produced some “in-depth” conversation about membership Issues. Much is being done. Both by Branch and County, to rectify these issues.

  1. Welfare:

  • Bryan Green was proposed by Gail Leach in the role of Welfare Officer. Carried

  • The Chairman welcomed Chris Edwards and Mary Mees, both of whom have faced recent illness.

  • A brief update on CCCS, the legion's new welfare system, was given. The Secretary asked members to please inform him of ANY welfare work they carry out, so that it can be recorded on the central database.

  • The President, Dave Warburton, spoke of himself and Alan Walker having visited four care homes in the area, to establish if any veterans are in need of companionship. This will continue.

  1. Agenda:

  • Chairman:There will be an upcoming meeting with Tony Dams, the Sheffield Veterans' Champion

  • Chairman: It was proposed by Alan Walker, seconded by Kath House, that St James, Handsworth Vicar be approached to act as Branch Padre, and that St James Church be recognised as Branch Church/Chapel. Carried

  • Chairman: The Chairman spoke of a book, “The Man called Grandad” by Gwyneth O'Brien's friend, telling tales of his WW1 exploits, and a copy is now in the branch library.

  • Chairman: The Branch will have a stall at Eckington Summer Festival on 1 July. Bryan Green will man the stall and volunteers are requested to assist. Sandy Saxton-Warne said that she will take her ABF marquee and that the two can work alongside each other.

  • Chairman: The need for a third Standard Bearer still exists

  • Treasurer: The Spring Fundraiser will go ahead on April 19th. Members will be asked to pay £10 each, with the money going towards the 2108 Pilgrimage. There will also be a raffle and members are asked to donate a prize. A “singalong” entertainer has been booked.

  1. Additions to the Agenda

  2. Correspondence:

  • Secretary: (Reminder) The Annual Conference for 2017 will take place in Southport over the weekend of 20/21 May. Bryan Green will attend as Branch Delegate

  • Chairman: Election to the RBL Trustee's Board is taking place shortly and the nine candidates' election statements have been issued. The secretary will precis these and he and The Chairman will circulate to members.


  1. Treasurers/Poppy Sales Report:

  • Legion Fund £420.34

    • £250 will go to the branch's National Conference delegate expenses

  • 3WFund £1050.95 + £47.80

    • £50 to Scout Band still to come out.

  • Poppy Sales 2016 £59.5K

    • Gift Aid yet to be included

  • The Treasurer then spoke of other potential means of raising the “Pilgrimage” funds.


  1. Other Business:

  • The Chairman will write to the Lord Lieutenant's Office requesting the presence of himself or a deputy at the branch's Armistice Day Parade 2017

  • The Chairman will to write to Cabinet, seeking a resolution to the “Remembrance Sunday” saluting issue

  • Walter Whiteley gave upcoming Diary dates:

    • Sun 19 Feb: “Mi Amigo” Remembrance Parade. 2PM St Augustine's Church, Brocco Bank, Sheffield S11 8QA

    • Sun 7 May: “HMS Sheffield” Remembrance Parade, Sheffield Cathedral. Timings to follow

    • Sat 17 Jun: Sheffield Armed Forces and Veterans' Day. Parade 11:30 am, Norfolk Row.

    • Sat 24 June: National Armed Forces and Veterans' Day

    • Sat 28 Oct:Poppy Sales Launch.

    • Sat 11 Nov: Armistice Day Parade, RBL Frecheville Branch, Crystal Peaks, 11am. Form at “Domo” Luggage Shop, 10:30

    • Sun 12 Nov: Remembrance Sunday Service,Barkers Pool 11am. Form at rear of City Hall at 10:30am.

  • Sandy Saxton-Warne mentioned that a friend will soon visit Germany, and that any members wanting goods brought back should speak to her.

    • She also pointed out that the Forces Discount for Doncaster Racecourse lasts for the whole year.


  1. Meeting Opening: There being no further matters the meeting closed at 20:15 hours “The Queen”