poppy field




Reg: Charity No: 219279


Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st September 2016


  1. Meeting Opening:The Meeting opened at 19:05 hours with a Homage to The Fallen

  2. Present: There were 16 Members present + 4 Guests

  3. Apologies:There were 10 apologies

  4. Minutes of the last meeting: It was proposed by Fred Hall and seconded by Gail Leach that the Minutes of The Previous meeting be passed as read. Carried

  5. New Members: Graham Blyth, Guests: S Walker, A Warburton, A Hurst,

  6. Matter arising: NON

  7. Agenda:

Nominations for Branch Posts, these will be ratified at the AGN on October 19th.

Vice President: Margaret Stracey Nominated

Chairman: Pat Davey Nominated

Treasurer: Alan Walker Nominated

Secretary: Steve Bush Nominated


  1. Additions to the Agenda: None

  2. Correspondence: None

  3. Treasurers Report:

                                     3 W Fund: £979.95

                                     Legion Fund: £380.34

                                     Poppy Appeal: £65,781.75 Appeal closes 30th Sept


The Treasurer then gave an up to date review of arrangements for the forthcoming Poppy Season covering the following issues:

Safety notices were handed out.

Administration & documentation being devised to help with accountancy.

Details of cars requested so a single document can be submitted to Peaks.

Unit has now been granted us in Peaks Market


The Chairman gave an update on the “M&S” situation.

All final information and further documentation will be handed out and discussed at the next meeting.

Margaret Stirling informed us that she had the rota done for Morrisons and that last year they took in excess of £24K. There was also a request from her for a number of boxes and bottles for the next meeting so she can take to shops in her local area.


  1. Other Business: Gail Leach asked re the cost of the Pie and Pea supper, a quote has as yet not been given, but Alan Walker will have this information for the next meeting.

  2. Chairman: There being no further business, the meeting closed at 19.40 hours “The Queen”