poppy field





Reg: Charity No: 219279


Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 Oct 2016


  1. Meeting Opening:The Meeting opened at 19:15 hours with a Homage to The Fallen

  2. Present: There were 28 Members and 3 guests present.

  3. Apologies:There were 3 apologies

  4. Minutes of the last meeting: It was proposed by Fred Hall and seconded by Kath House, that the Minutes of The Previous meeting be passed as read. Carried

  5. New Members:

  6. Matter arising:

  7. Welfare: Eric Colley: Gail Leach gave an update on Eric's condition.

  8. Agenda:

  • Chairman: TheBranch voted for Bryan Green for the post of County Vice Chair

  • Chairman: Nominations for Trustees. Anyone wishing to become a trustee should give their name and details to The Chairman

  • Chairman: It was agreed that Stewart Dalton would be the delegate for branch, and would present the branch motion at the County Meeting on 7th Jan, 2017, in Ossett


  1. Additions to the Agenda

  2. Correspondence:

  • Secretary: New Version of Royal Charter available, V11, Oct 2016

  • Secretary: Hallamshire Military Band Concert, 29 Oct, 4PM, St Peter’s Church, Greenhill. £6

  • Secretary: Pilgrimage Aug 2018, RBL Visit to War Graves. The branch will be invited to send two members at a cost of approx £500 per head. More details to follow.

  1. Treasurers/Poppy Sales Report:

3 W Fund: £1015.95

Legion Fund: £380.34


The Treasurer then gave detailed instructions for all Poppy Sellers, emphasising the importance of Safety and Security, and procedures for money handling. He also outlined the timetables for the upcoming season.

  1. Other Business: The County Chairman, Christine Spencer, gave an update on a variety of county matters.

  2. Meeting Opening:There being no further matters the meeting closed at 20:05 hours. “The Queen”