poppy field




Reg: Charity No: 219279


Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 July 2016


1. Meeting Opening:The Meeting opened at 19:05 hours with a Homage to The Fallen


2. Present: There were 29 Members present.


3. Apologies:There were 4 apologies


4. Minutes of the last meeting: It was proposed by Fred Hall and seconded by Phil Thickett, that the Minutes of The Previous meeting be passed as read. Carried


5. Matter arising:


Armed Forces Day and Somme 100 Parades were well attended and went relatively smoothly. The Cathedral Service was particularly poignant.


The stall at The Eckington Summer Festival on Sat 2nd July was cancelled due to ill health


Members of the branch attended the Birley School open day, giving a talk on WW1 to pupils and parents, and raising £40 on a Poppy Stall. There may be more school visits next term and the secretary will keep the branch informed.


6. Agenda:


The Legion Welfare Service is to be rebranded “Branch Community Support” and will be split into 5 areas:


Legion Awareness Events As a member of your local branch, you can help us reach out to beneficiaries needing support by hosting awareness events.

Telephone Buddies Through Telephone Buddies, you can give individuals an opportunity to talk to someone, experience companionship and be part of the community.

Home & Hospital VisitorAs a Home & Hospital Visitor, you can give individuals an opportunity to talk to someone, experience companionship and be part of the community.

Bereavement Support This vital role can make a huge difference to our bereaved Armed Forces families: including helping with requests for Legion representation and Standard Bearers from your branch, showing support by being present at a funeral, and providing a sense of comradeship in what is already a painful time.

Local TouchpointsYou can be part of promoting and raising awareness of the services the Legion has to offer and helps us engage with those harder to reach individuals.

Fred Hall spoke of a welfare issue he became involved in and of the merits of such support.

There will be printed information available to members over the coming months.



There will be a Memorial Service for Bill Carline at The Frecheville Monument on Sat Aug 13th. Muster @ The Community Centre on Churchdale Rd at 10:30 am. Standards are requested.



7. Additions to the Agenda



8. Correspondence:


Nominations are requested for the post of County Vice Chairman. This will be discussed at the August meeting.


9. Welfare


Updates were given on the health of Dave Warburton and Bryan Green


10. Treasurers Report:


Treasurer 3W Fund: £990.25

Legion Fund: £324.84

Poppy Appeal 2015 (so far): £65,550 of which £52,236 has been handed to RBL


Branch Gift Aid raised £2200.


70% of all Poppy Sales items for the forthcoming season have now been received and the remainder are due to arrive shortly.


The Branch Accounts have been audited and the LOMAS final figure has balanced. The Treasurer was thanked for his fine work.


11. New members:


12. Other Business:



Chairman- Partners of Armed Forces personnel who served abroad are now entitled to National Insurance Credits for that period



Secretary – Those wishing to attend the Shiregreen Branch lunch at The Novotel, 08 Dec 2016, should book, and pay a £10 deposit, through The Chairman


Secretary – It was proposed by Alan walker and seconded by Steve Bush, that future meetings be held at The Angel. Carried. A commitment was made to ensure that members having transport difficulties will be catered for by other members


Secretary– A date needs to be established for the branch December meeting. Alan Walker will liaise with the landlord of the Angel and present a few possibilities


Chairman – Free Wills for Legion Members. Email: freewills@britishlegion.org.uk


Chairman - Recruiting new members is of vital importance and members are encouraged to take an active part. Remember that Youth Members (aged 12-17) don't have to pay.


Chairman - The branch will present a Notice of Motion to County: “That the British Legion Head Office should, as a matter of some urgency, organise and run a National Recruitment Campaign” and that the Chairman determine the actual wording of the motion.


Walter Whiteley (Joint Council)


3rd Sept, VC Plaque for Capt Allen (RAMC), Barkers Pool. 11:30 am. Standards are requested.


4th Sept, Loxley Garden Dedication, “Remorse” at Stone Faces Yard, Storrs Wood, Storrs Lane, Stannington. Timings to follow


11th Sept, Joint Services Day, Eden Camp


18th Sept, Battle of Britain Memorial, 11:30am, Sheffield City Hall



Chairman: There being no further business, the meeting closed at 19:55 hours “The Queen”