poppy field





Reg: Charity No: 219279


Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 Apr 2016


  1. Meeting Opening:The meeting opened at 19:20 hours with “The Act of Homage” The Chairman apologised for the last minute change of venue and welcomed the very high turnout.


2. Present: Present: There were 26 members and 1 Guest present


3. Apologies: There were 6 Apologies


4. Minutes of the last meeting: Proposed: Gail Leach Seconded Eric Colley: The Minutes of the meeting held on 16 Mar 2016 be passed as read. Carried


5. Matter arising:


Chairman: Bryan Green is nominated for a National Membership Council role. Branch has given him our voteBryan came second and is therefore not voted to the Membership Council.


Chairman: Welfare Visits need to be noted for both Local and National statistics. Would anyone making a welfare visit or attending a funeral on behalf of the legion, please let Steve or myself know at future meetings. These can then be collated and passed to the appropriate authority. Reminder


Secretary: 2016 Dates For Your Diary: Addition:8th May; HMS Sheffield Remembrance Service – Sheffield Cathedral 13:00PM. A high attendance is expected and members are advised to arrive early.


Walter Whitely:2016 Dates For Your Diary: Addition: September 18th . RAFA Battle of Britain & Arnhem Remembrance Service.



6. Agenda:


Chairman: The Chairman asked for a volunteer to maintain the Membership Subscriptions Database. Gail Leach said she would do it. Secretary to provide Gail with up to date DB


Chairman:The Chairman asked for a volunteer to act as Welfare Officer. Fred Hall volunteered. Secretary to provide Fred with up to date DB


President: Alan Walker Sponsored Walk: Alan will shortly be taking part in the West Highland Way Walk, raising money for Prostate Cancer

Proposed by Margaret Stracey, seconded by Anne Warburton, that the branch sponsor Alan to the tune of £50. Carried


Secretary: If members would like to sponsor Alan individually, they can do so at:




President:Bryan Green will attend National Conference on behalf of the branch and the region. Proposed by Danielle Chapman, seconded by Jean Ellwood, that the branch subsidise Bryan to the tune of £200 for travel and lodging expenses. Carried


Chairman: Conference Motions – The Chairman suggests that members think about potential motions for County Conference and bring them to her attention


Chairman: Somme Wreaths – These wreaths, fashioned to commemorate The Battle of The Somme, will become available in June. Normal Wreath prices apply.


Chairman: Branches at Shiregreen and Sheffield Central are in need of Poppy Organiser and Poppy Sellers, due to diminishing membership and branch closures. Secretary: Sheffield Central Branch is closing, leaving a large gap in the City Centre. A number of options are being investigated at Regional level. Offers of assistance would be welcomed.



7. Additions to the Agenda



8. Correspondence:


Secretary: Poppies: We have had written confirmation from ASDA (Drakehouse), Morrisons (Halfway), Sainsburys (Peaks), Peaks Markets, and Peaks, for the dates Sat Oct 29th to Sat Nov 12th,


9. Welfare

Gwen fell and injured her arm. She is still in hospital and still in a lot of pain. Her doctors will not allow her to come home as the care package is not yet complete. She is very despondant and depressed and it is hard to keep her spirits up but hopefully she should be able to come home within a couple of days. It is hinted that the arm should take three months to recover properly, that is if she is careful.


Danielle The Chairman welcomed Danielle back and wished her well.


10. Treasurers Report:


Treasurer: 3W Fund: £ 985 (less £50 - Sponsorship)

Legion Fund: £ 575 (less £200 – Conference expenses)

Amount to RBL Poppy Appeal 2015 (so far): £ 59K and still rising


The Treasurer then gave a detailed update on the items which the Poppy Committee will be ordering for selling this year. He outlined the potential complications which may arise from VAT issues and the steps we would be taking to avoid them.


11. New members: .The Chairman welcomed new member Margaret Sterling, and returning members, M Wilks, P Steele, A Austin and F Austin.


12. Other Business:


Chairman: The Meeting closed at 20:15 hours The Chairman wished Her Majesty The Queen a very happy 90th Birthday.