poppy field




Reg: Charity No: 219279


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting: Held 19 Oct 2016



  1. Meeting Opening:The Meeting opened at 1900 hours with a Homage to The Fallen

  2. Present: There were 28 Members and 3 guests present.

Apologies:There were 2 apologies

  1. Minutes of the last AGM: Proposed by Arthur Ellwood seconded by Gwen Wilkinson, that the minutes of the AGM held on 20 October 2015 be passed as read. Carried

  2. Branch Appointments:It was proposed by Angie Dalton, and seconded by Brian Marshall, that the following nominations for Branch Official posts be appointed to serve for the ensuing year. Carried

  • Appointment Nominee

  • Chairman Pat Davey

  • Vice Chair Dave Warburton

  • Secretary Steve Bush

  • Treasurer Alan Walker

  • Standard Bearer Phil Thickett

  • Standby Standard Bearer Steve Bush

  • Vice President Margaret Stracey

  • Asst Treasurer Sylvia Hall

  • Welfare Fred Hall

  • Parade Marshall Dave Warburton

  • Membership Secretary Gail Leach

  • Poppy Appeal Committee Dave Warburton, Pat Davey, Alan Walker, Steve Bush

  1. Poppy Appeal 2015: TheTreasurer's final figure for 2015 Poppy Appeal was £52,400. Congratulations go to all who played a part.

  2. Date of next AGM: The date of the next AGM was set for 18 Oct 2017

  3. Meeting Closed: There being no further matters the meeting closed at 19:15 hours. “The Queen”.