poppy field



Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th September 2015


  1. Meeting Opening: Meeting opened at 19:15 Hrs. The Act of Homage was duly observed.


2. Present: There were 23 members. Roll call available from the Secretary.


3. Apologies: There were 4 apologies.


4. Minutes of the last meeting: Proposed by Gail Leach seconded by Moss Elliott that the minutes of the

meeting held on the 19th August 2015 be passed as read.




5. Matter arising: Nil


6. Additions to the Agenda:


  1. Proposed nominations for office for the Frecheville Branch. These nominations will be voted at the

AGM to be held in October 2015:


Branch Chairperson: Pat Davey. Proposed by Albert Austin, Seconded by Phil Thickett

Vice Chairperson: David Warburton. Proposed by Derrick Wilkinson, Seconded by Fred Hall

Treasurer: Alan Walker. Proposed by Gail Leach, Seconded by Phil Thickett

Secretary: Steve Bush. Proposed by Gail Leach, Seconded by Phil Thickett


7. Correspondence: Nil


8. Treasurers Report:


Accounts have been submitted to Leeds and have been passed and accepted.


As the Treasurer was on holiday no monthly account was submitted to the meeting.


9. New members: Nil


10. Other Business:


  1. Sheffield Fayre: 30th and 31st August 2015, Norfolk Park.


Pat Davey and Walter Whiteley informed the meeting that the British Legion stall at the Sheffield

Fayre was very successful and there had been a great deal of interest. The money taken was enough

to cover the site fees.



b. Battle of Britain Parade in Sheffield: 20 September 2015.


12 Noon. Muster behind the City Hall

12.30 p.m. Wreath laying ceremony in Barker’s Pool

1.00 p.m. Service in the Cathedral. (Tea/biscuits after the service)


Those wishing to attend should arrive no later than 12.45 p.m.


11. Poppy Appeal:


Chairman informed the members that the Gift Aid received from the Tax Office paid £1,500 It is

intended to do the Gift Aid again during this year’s Poppy Appeal.


  1. Rota System for Poppy Appeal.


Anyone who wishes to be involved in the rota for the two weeks Poppy Appeal could they please

give their names, addressees, telephone numbers and dates available to David Warburton who will be

co-ordinating the rota system. (During the meeting a form was sent round for each member to

complete their intentions. Names will not be collected after 8th November.


  1. ASDA (Poppy Appeal).


The Chairman informed the members that ASDA will only allow the poppy appeal to operate from

lst November to 11th November. This could have a significant impact on the funds as the poppy

appeal starts on the 24th October to 8th November and the collection will lose out on the first week of

the poppy appeal.


It was proposed that the Chairman sends a letter to Walmart HQ in the USA to explain the situation.

The Chairman proposes to email them.




  1. Sainsburys.


Dave Warburton informed the members that a box of poppies would be put on the end of every

manned till.


  1. Marks and Spencers.


M & S are happy for the Poppy Collectors to have their stand in the foyer as last year.


  1. Crocheted Knitted Poppies.


Dave Warburton informed the members that crocheted knitted poppies had been done at the cost of

£5.00 (money to be taken out of the Poppy Appeal funds) to cover the cost of two balls of wool and

100 safety pins. These poppies were displayed at the meeting.


  1. Market.


Chairman informed members that the British Legion stand will be in the corner outside the market.


There is no empty unit at the moment in the market to store items for the Poppy Appeal. Crystal Peaks have been asked if the branch could use an empty shop for two weeks even if it means that rental has to come out of the Poppy Appeal funds.


12. Publicity:


The Chairman has had a delivery of booklets called “Live On” to be handed out to the general public. It

was suggested that these be put on each stall and handed out during the two weeks Poppy Appeal asking

for a small donation if possible.


  1. Pamphlets.


The Pamphlets give an up to date explanation of how the British Legion supports wounded, injured

or sick ex-Service men and women.


Mention was made that members could arrange a visit to The Poppy Factory, Richmond, Surrey.

Over 500 people are employed by the Poppy Shop.


  1. Posters.


Alan Walker has kindly offered to do posters and a membership form which will be at each stall

during the two weeks Poppy Appeal (explaining where we are, when we meet etc).


13. Alan Smith (deceased):


Alan Smith has made a bequest in his will that some monies be passed to the British Legion Frecheville

Branch and the Fellowship Club. Once this has been clarified and if the wording of the will allows,

the monies bequeathed to the Frechville Branch will be added to the Third Wednesday Club



14. County Conference:


The County Conference will be held on the 9th January 2016 in the Town Hall, Ossett. Visitors are

welcome from the Branch. Names need to be submitted prior to the meeting.


15. Lapel Pins:


Bill Carlin has sold lapel pins to the value of £100.00. Congratulations to Bill for a job well done.


16. Remembrance Day Services: Wednesday 11th November, 2015


Bill Carlin informed the members that a Remembrance Service would take place at the Frechville

Memorial commencing at 10.30 a.m.


The Chairman informed members that there would be a Remembrance Parade at Crystal Peaks at

11.00 a.m.


17. Annual General Meeting:


This will take place on Wednesday 21st October 2015.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:25 hours. “The Queen”.