poppy field





Reg: Charity No: 219279



Minutes of the Meeting: Held 18 Mar 2015


Meeting Opening: Meeting opened at 19:15 Hrs. The Act of Homage was duly observed.


Present: There were 20 members and 1 guest present. Roll call available from the secretary.


Apologies: There was 2 apologies


Minutes of the last meeting: Proposed by Gwen Wilkinson, seconded by Derek Wilkinson, that the minutes of the previous meeting be passed as read.



Matter arising:

  • The Pie'n'Peas supper held at The Angel in February was a great success.

  • The lunch at Sheaf Training was superb. First class food and service. Secretary to send a letter of thanks.





  • The Sheffield Sea Cadets would like to invite you all to their “Cadet of the Year” award ceremony, on Thu 26th March, 7PM. Conquest House, The wicker, S3 8HJ

  • Minutes of the S&W Yorkshire Conference, held on Sat 10th Jan 2015 are available

  • Minutes of the S&W Yorkshire County Committee meeting held on 7th Feb 2015 are available.

  • The RBL Data Protection Policy SOPs are available

  • The timetable for the Legions's Outreach Services in the Sheffield area is now available.


  • 2nd Monday of each month, Sheffield First Point, Crystal Peaks, 1-3 Peaks Square, Waterthorpe, Crystal Peaks. S207PH. 10am – 4pm


  • 3rd Tuesday of each month, Sheffield First Point, Chambers Court, off Cowley Lane, Chapletown, S352XE. 10am – 4pm


  • 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, Sheffield First Point, Howden House, Sheffield, S1 2SH. 10am—4pm




Treasurers Report:


  • RBL Account £378.44

  • 3rd Wednesday £6897.44. These funds to be used for investment in Poppy Sales Items, Brooches, Badges etc.


New members:










  • What events are planned for thee forthcoming 70th Anniversary of VE Day, weekend of Fri 8th May?

    • The Chairman isn't aware of any specific local plans, but he and the Secretary will investigate and report back

  • A vote of thanks goes to Alan Walker for his hard work in arranging the succesful Pie'n'Peas Supper in February

  • Dave Warburton spoke on the planned site arrangements for Poppy Sales at Crystal Peaks.



The Chairman then spoke on the following subjects.


  • The wearing of badges whilst on Parade and carrying The Standard

  • House to House teams promoting the Poppy Lottery

  • End of cash remittance for subscriptions

    • Concerns were voiced about the effect of this on older members

  • New member joining procedures

  • Trustee status of all RBL members

  • The process of amendments to The Royal Charter


The funeral of Branch Member Alan Smith will take place at Abbey Lane Cemetry, Tues 24th March at 2:45PM. Phil Thickett will carry the Branch Standard. There will also be an RAF Standard carried.



Date of next meeting: 15 Apr 2015


There being no further matters the meeting closed at 20:20 hours. “The Queen”.