poppy field


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting: Held 21 Oct 2015


Meeting Opening: Meeting opened at 19:25 Hrs. The Act of Homage was duly observed.


Present: There were 21 members and two guests present. Roll call available from the secretary.


Apologies: There were 2 apologies.


Minutes of the last AGM: Proposed by Margaret Stracey seconded by Sylvia Hall that the minutes of the AGM held on 15th October 2014 be passed as read.


Branch Appointments: The results of the proposals and votes for branch appointments have been tabulated for ease of viewing






Poppy Sales 2104: The Treasurer reported that the final Poppy Sales Figure for 2014 was £56,805, including £1590 claimed on the “Gift Aid” scheme. The President thanked everyone for their excellent work.


Date of next AGM: The date of the next AGM was set for 20 Oct 2016


There being no further matters the meeting closed at 19:55 hours. “The Queen”.